Chemical & Pesticide Free Vegetables Delivered To Your Doorstep

I received my first premium veggie box from Farm To Home Delivery last week. The veggies are chemical and pesticide free and some are carbon veggies. The plan that I took is a RM288 per month plan where I’ll get a RM72 premium veggie box (worth over RM81) every week for a month (4x per month). I can choose 15 types of veggies from more than 33 types of veggies that are listed in a google form.

My package includes FREE washing of veggies in Biolux ozone water for leafy, non-leafy and root-base veggies.

What I like about the veggies from Farm To Home Delivery is they are really fresh, crisp and clean. As they are pre-washed with Ozone water, the green leafy veggies don’t have mud/soil on them. They are also cheaper and fresher than the organic vegetables that I usually buy from the supermarket and night market.

Fresh, crisp and clean juicy Ice Plant, which we transformed into a delicious salad for lunch the next day.
Fresh and flawless cauliflower sans any black dot on it. Love it!
Sunflower microgreens.
Microgreens may be tiny, but a new study shows trendy microgreens punch well above their weight when it comes to nutrition.
Microgreens are four- to 40-fold more concentrated with nutrients than their mature counterparts!
Our in-house chef transformed the Ice Plant, sunflower microgreens and cherry tomatoes into a healthy, refreshing and delicious salad with Japanese salad dressing the next day, to go with homemade toast with Pepper Jack cheese.
I only use organic or pesticide-free veggies when it comes to salad. Actually 95% of the veggies I buy are organic or pesticide-free.

The mil used half a head of Napa cabbage to cook ‘jai’ (vegetarian dish) and our teenage chef used the other half to make kimchi.

Salad on Papadam, by Cass. This makes eating junk food a little less sinful πŸ˜‹

I just LOVE all the vegetables that I received from Farm To Home Delivery and can’t wait to start ordering my second veggie box! Can you believe that we’ve almost wiped out all the veggies that we received in our first veggie box in less than a week? Everyone in our family is a heavy eater of fruits and veggies and I spend quite a bit on them everyday.

I also love the fact that I don’t have to risk myself going to the supermarket and wet market in the thick of the pandemic to buy veggies. The veggies are delivered to my condo and Cass helped me to carry them up from the lobby.

Eating organic or pesticide-free veggies can be slightly more expensive than regular veggies, but I strongly believe in investing in healthy foods for our health. The benefits that you’ll reap from healthy eating is worth every cent.

Farm To Home Delivery is currently have a promotion on their subscription packages.  All you need to do is to subscribe to their Quarterly or Half-Year package and get HEAVILY REWARDED!

Here’s how you do it:

  1. Subscribe to a 6 Months Premium Pack worth RM1,530 > get FREE RM1,000 Cash Voucher OR Tong Xin Yuan εŒεΏƒεœ† Package worth RM1,590
  2. Subscribe to a 6 Months Regular Pack worth RM970 > get FREE RM600 Cash Voucher or Tong Xin Yuan εŒεΏƒεœ† Package worth RM980
  3. Subscribe to a 3 Months Premium Pack worth RM820 > get FREE RM400 Cash Voucher or Tong Xin Yuan εŒεΏƒεœ† Package worth RM870
  4. Subscribe to a 3 Months Quarterly Regular Pack worth RM510 > get FREE RM200 Cash Voucher or Tong Xin Yuan εŒεΏƒεœ† Package worth RM515


Click here πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ to grab your FREE Voucher /Gifts now:

Wait, there’s more goodie!

All my readers get a 5% discount off anything you buy with minimum purchase of only RM45.  Just key in promo code SHIREEN40 during checkout.

Buying pesticide-free vegetables is such a hassle-free experience with online ordering. It’s made even easier when you subscribe to monthly, quarterly or half yearly packages. You only pay once and ordering is done online via a Google form once a week, whenever you’re free, without having to leave the comfort of your home!

Here’s to a healthier life with more clean greens and fiber added into your daily diet! πŸ… πŸ† πŸ₯‘ πŸ₯¦ πŸ₯¬ πŸ₯’

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