I have never bought so many gym mats in my life than I did throughout the past one year during the lockdown. The girls and I never really needed a gym mat until our country was put into a lockdown. Suddenly the girls were fighting for gym mats throughout the day. During the first lockdown last year, the girls would do gym mat exercises twice a day. Now that online classes are back in full swing, they only have time to exercise once a day in the evening. During the day, our house is transformed into a learning center (loud speaker mode turned on and I even learn along with them!) and by dusk, like a gymnasium with gym mats placed around the living room.
If only our living room was bigger, I would really love to get a tumble mat for our girls to do more fun floor exercises, roll, tumble, flip and practise dancing and martial arts. It’s great that the air tumble mat can be doubled up as a mattress too whenever we have guests in the house!
Air tumble mats are inflatable air tumbling mats that can be inflated by pumping air using an air pump. They are used on the gym floor, martial arts training hall, fitness clubs, dance studios, gymnasium, yoga studio or as home entertainment.
These air tumble mats can be purchased online and offline. But be careful to only get the best air tumble mats for safety purposes. One air track company that produces good quality air track products is Tumblemat.com, a professional supplier of inflatable air gymnastic tracks. They have several years of experience in producing quality air track products.
The air track products produced by Tumblemat are made from top quality and sturdy materials, used for inflatable boat production. The air track mats are blown up to 16 hours at their factory for pressure test before shipment with finished pictures or video of the Air Track for every customer. Awesome QC they have! And they ship internationally too. Check out Tumblemat.com to find out more on their products.
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