Sherilyn’s Home-Cooked Dishes

Sherilyn doesn’t cook and bake as much now than she did during the MCO months. However, she still tries to cook every other day, in between online classes. She loves trying out new recipes, especially Korean and Japanese cuisines. We’re all happy to be her guinea pigs. But all these new dishes will soon start to dwindle when Sherilyn goes back to school on 5 April 2021 after almost half a year of lockdown break. And if traveling abroad is safe again, the mil will be abroad with her daughters again and cooking will be back in my Job Description 😐. Fortunately I have a pressure cooker, an air fryer and a TMX6 to make my life easier. I better start to learn how to use the TMX6!

These are some of the new dishes that Sherilyn cooked recently:

1. Gamjatang (spicy Korean pork bone soup)

Another thing that I realized is this girl loves to use gochugaru (Korean chili flakes), gochujang (Korean chili paste) and her homemade kimchi in her dishes. Her spiciness threshold level is 9/10 and I always try to stop her from lapping up all the hot and spicy soup, to no avail. Spicy food isn’t the healthiest of food as it causes acne and may cause inflammation of the stomach lining. The skin on her face has now taken a toll on all the spicy food that she’s been cooking! And she’s not one diligent water guzzler.

Coming back to the Gamjatang. This is a one-pot dish that’s bursting with flavors, very hearty and comforting. It’s perfect for cold wintry weather but the weather here has been sweltering. We’re currently experiencing a heat wave lately. So after downing down the hot and spicy Gamjatang, we were all drenched in sweat and dribbling goo  😅

2. With the leftover Gamjatang, she made a pot of mouth-watering porridge for lunch the next day.

3. Braised kimchi and pork stew.

Told you Sherilyn loves using her homemade kimchi to whip up new dishes. This dish is composed of kimchi and fresh Napa cabbage rolled with pork belly. It’s another sweat-inducing dish that left everyone yelping and gulping down water, except our fiery chef.

4. Pumpkin puree

A whole pumpkin was used to make the puree. She chopped the pumpkin into half and roasted it with garlic and onions, then blended and cooked everything in the TMX6. It’s actually Western pumpkin soup and she used the puree to pair it with the seared vegan scallop.

5. Garlic sauteed mock scallop (meat-free)

Sherilyn used king oyster mushroom stems to curate a vegan scallop dish that tastes 98% like real scallops! The texture of the mushroom stems is almost like real scallops! This dish is a glamourous appetizer or can be used to serve with pasta. I can eat this every day and never get bored of it!!

She used her homemade pumpkin puree to pair with the vegan scallops but the mock scallops are so tasty it does not require any pairing sauce.

The weather has been crazy these days – it’s sizzling hot during the day and come evening, the skies will turn dark and ominous with thunderstorms.

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