Sherilyn made Japanese Nama chocolate / chocolate truffles today. One would think that it’s a tedious and laborious process but no, it’s very simple and fast compared to her other bakes. She made her very first chocolate truffles a couple of weeks ago using Milo and condensed milk for her friend’s birthday. It was chocolicious!!
Motivated by the success of her first try, Sherilyn made the truffles again, this time using good quality imported Couverture chocolate. A teaspoon of chocolate liquor was added to the Nama chocolate for a boozy kick and dusted with organic cocoa powder. It tastes very close to Royce’s Nama chocolate, my absolute favorite! The other brand of chocolate truffles which I heart to bits is Love 18’s First Love Series – Mint Dark Chocolate Ganache. One piece of it and my mood is instantly boosted up a few notches.
I am 100% confident that any chocolate lover would love our baking queen’s Japanese Nama chocolates. I have friends who asked me whether the Nama chocolates are for sale but I think the price will scare them and make them think twice about buying it. This is because the Couverture chocolate buttons are very expensive. Anyway, I think Sherilyn has to slow down on her baking and concentrate in her studies as schools will be reopened in less than 3 weeks on 20 January 2021. I have to start nagging the girls to adjust their bed time and get them physically and mentally ready to go back to school after such a long time hibernating at home. As for me, I can’t wait for all 3 of them to go back to school and for our lives to return to normal.
Cutting the soft Nama chocolate is no mean feat and Sherilyn aced in it, though she admitted that it’s not easy. She heated up a chef’s knife on the stove to carry out this task. Some people gave up making this chocolate because of this last step.
These days Sherilyn loves grocery shopping with me and one of the things that she loves checking out is knifes! I got her this cheap chef knife last month and it’s now her personal knife in the kitchen
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