Monday Dinner ~ 23 November 2020 (Tung Por Yoke / Dong Po Rou)

Our teenage chef whipped up braised Tung Por Yoke (Dong Po Rou) for dinner tonight.  And we were all her willing and happy guinea pigs again. She’s been wanting to try this recipe for a long time but we kept getting food from hubby’s shop, thus she had to postpone trying out this recipe umpteen times.

For a first timer, this dish was very well executed – it’s a mouthwatering bold and bright reddish brownish oink oink dish with the red colouring coming naturally from red rice yeast.

The 5-layer pork is first simmered in the sauce for about an hour, in low fire. We used a clay pot for this step.   She tied the pork block with the recycled hemp strings from the bak zhang that we had for lunch 😬

Then the pork is transferred to a Staub cast iron pan and steamed on a bamboo rack on high heat for another hour.

Give in to temptation! This Dong Po Rou is mind-blowingly delish. Even the foodie hubs who’s very stingy with praises gave the thumbs up.

We also had zucchini omelette and cili fish from Catermate.

No. of times viewed = 56

Which Vitamins and Supplements Should You Take

Your body requires vitamins to heal, develop, and function. There are at least thirteen essential vitamins and 16 minerals. Some of the common vitamins include A, B6, B12, C, D, E, and K. With many vitamins and supplements, and it becomes difficult to determine the best combination. There are companies dedicated to ensuring you lead a healthy lifestyle by manufacturing supplements and vitamins.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is on top of the list of the vitamins you should take. Vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium, thus improving the health of the bones. If you don’t take this vitamin, you will be more likely to get sick, and you will also experience back and bone pain. In some cases, you will experience hair loss. You can get all the supplements you need from Level Up Nutrition. Some of the foods that give vitamin D include:

• Cereals, milk and juice
• Yolks from eggs
• High amount of fatty fish


Magnesium is one of the most important minerals for our bodies, meaning you should do everything possible to get it from supplements or food. Magnesium is critical for energy production and the health of bones. When you consume magnesium, it can reduce stress and calm your nervous system. Apart from easing sleep problems, it can also regulate nerve and muscle function. Magnesium is also well known for:

1. Balancing the level of blood sugar
2. It helps make proteins and bones

Zinc and Iron

Research has shown that the amount of zinc in stressed and older is always low. This makes a large portion of the global population. Being an essential mineral supports the immune system. You should buy zinc supplements by all means as it helps the body to use fat, proteins and carbohydrates for energy. If you have a wound, having zinc in your body will ensure faster healing. Eat meat and spinach for zinc.

Iron should top your multivitamin list. However, you should be careful about the amount of iron you take as not everyone requires the same amount. Iron is responsible for increasing energy in the body. It is also responsible for healthy red blood cells and better brain functioning. Apart from buying iron as a supplement, you can also get it from eating meat. However, for women, pregnancy may increase iron requirements in the body.


Can I rely on vitamins and supplements?

Vitamins and supplements should be viewed as boosters and bonuses to food. They should never be taken as a replacement for food. Our body works well with natural nutrients derived from the food we eat. It is advisable to eat food rich with vitamins and supplements instead.

When can Start to take vitamins and supplements?

There is no early or late time to start taking supplements. You can start taking vitamins and supplements as long as you can afford them. If you don’t have any information on these products, consult a professional nutritionist. You are responsible for your health.

What do I need to consider while taking supplements and vitamins?

The most important things you should consider are your health and lifestyle goals. The number of supplements you need may be lower or higher than you thought, depending on your lifestyle and health goals.

No. of times viewed = 57

How Does Shipping Bids Work?

A friend of my hubby who is in the trucking business has recently lamented to us how his business has been affected since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. From a bustling business with five staff and making an average of five trips in a day, the partial lockdown imposed on our country has affected his business badly.  Recently, he had to retrench three of his staff and liquidate three of his trucks.

The rapid and seemingly unstoppable spread of Covid-19 in almost every part of the world has caused a major impact on global shipping markets, with the slump in demand for goods from China having a ripple effect on everything from container ships to oil tankers. The transportation industry too, is not spared from the extreme challenges caused by the pandemic.  The  health crisis of the nation has roiled supply chains and inflicted financial hardship on many transportation and logistics companies.

Although logistics drivers have been exempt from the non-essential business closures and shelter in place orders implemented by the authorities around the world, there are disruptions that could not have been avoided even with careful preparation. There have been incidences of long waiting times at pickup and delivery points due to a lack of on-site staff, which has disrupted and clogged up many receiving schedules and caused slower than usual turnaround times for freight.

As many manufacturers, restaurants, retailers, hotels and other businesses temporarily closed down or slowed production, freight volumes drop precipitously in tandem.  If you are in the shipping and logistics sector and are looking for ways to find jobs and shippers, freight bidding or shipping bidding is an effective way to increase your presence.

The main advantages of shipping bids is that the customers get better rates and more value for their money as there are so many shipping and truck companies bidding for the job. On the shipping firm’s side, freight bidding can boost capacity and strategic value simultaneously. Since bidding involves re-entering negotiations and working with more carriers, it can help shippers realize the benefits of a more extensive carrier network. Instead of focusing solely on individual areas, carriers can expand their reach.

When the shipping auction ends, the job is usually awarded to the lowest bidder, subject to the client’s discretion. The job may be awarded to a higher bidder with a better average feedback or review rating from past clients. Review ratings are used to break any ties for the lowest bid.

Online freight bidding sites or truck load boards are aplenty for both shippers and carriers to establish better ties.  One of the best online platforms out there is Shiply. There are thousands of jobs posted on the Shiply online platform daily, meaning you will always find something suitable for your needs. You can bid on work for truck loads if that’s your vehicle of choice. Or, if  you are looking for freight bidding, you will find many freight loads available to bid on all over USA.  At Shiply, you can get the most relevant matches for your business – the right load for the right truck or ship at the right price, no matter where you are.

No. of times viewed = 89

Simple Ways to Exercise Your Brain

These days, everyday routines require less and less effort and interaction. While this can make life more convenient, it can also cause your brain to suffer, affecting your ability to perform tasks accurately and efficiently. However, research has shown that the brain is capable of change and cognitive growth no matter what the age or stage of life. Keep your mind active and your brain healthy with these simple ideas.

Enjoy Some Fun Games

From religious word search books to strategy board games, you can have fun while exercising your brain at the same time. Any activity that requires focus, concentration or active thinking can fire off the neurons in your brain. Fortunately, games also make these activities incredibly entertaining. While many digital games can achieve the same purpose, try to go screen-free to improve your fine motor skills at the same time.

Your source for a fun Bible word search book from Bakersfield, CA

Learn a Musical Instrument

Playing music has a host of benefits for your mind, from improving coordination, focus and memory to boosting mood. While some people may think of learning an instrument as a children’s hobby, it’s actually never too late to start. Many studios offer group classes and individual lessons for adult students, along with hours that fit your work schedule. If you don’t want to invest in a new instrument, look for used and rental options in your area to save a few bucks.

french horn


It may seem a bit obvious, but reading is an excellent way to actively engage your mind. Reading for entertainment is a great place to start, since it helps boost creativity, develop inner language and improve vocabulary. Try to add some non-fiction reading to help challenge your brain even more as you learn new things. This is an easy way to help you develop a more well-rounded perspective on the world around you. If you’re not sure where to begin, there are many websites dedicated to helping readers find a new book to read.

Exercising your brain may be easier than you think. Try something new and fun to keep your mind active today for a better tomorrow.

No. of times viewed = 17