When I found out that I was pregnant with Alycia, my first born, I couldn’t believe my luck as she was an Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) baby conceived via IUI. Our fertility specialist told me on the day of my IUI procedure that only 1% of my hubby’s ‘little swimmers’ were good. I lost hope instantly but prayed fervently for a miracle to happen. God heard my prayers and a miracle indeed happened ❤️.
My pregnancy was however fraught with challenges one after another and I had to be on partial bed rest almost throughout the pregnancy. The all-day sickness was so bad that I could not keep down any food during the first trimester. My weight dropped to 42kg when I was 3 months pregnant. Even when the nauseous feeling eased later, I had no appetite to eat anything for the rest of the pregnancy. The only foods that I liked were fresh milk, maternal milk, bird’s nest and fruits 😂. My day started off with a cup of chocolate flavored maternal milk and bird’s nest and my supper was fresh milk with bird’s nest and double boiled chicken essence (several times a week). My lunch and dinner portions were extremely small. I couldn’t eat much throughout my pregnancy as I had an Irritable Uterus which would cause uncomfortable contractions each time I ate or drank from the second trimester onwards.
Though I couldn’t eat much throughout my pregnancy, Alycia was born with a healthy weight of 3.36kg. I only gained 10 kg in that pregnancy. The maternal milk, fresh milk, bird’s nest and double boiled chicken essence must have provided all the necessary nutrients to the baby ☺️. I shed off all the weight gained pretty easily within 3 months.
Why is maternal milk important during pregnancy?
One of the first things gynaes will suggest to new moms-to-be is that they start taking prenatal vitamins like folic acid. Another important item that moms-to-be will start looking for is maternal milk.

Maternal milk is formulated with essential nutrients for pregnant and lactating moms. One of the key ingredients in maternal milk is folic acid, which is very important in helping with the growth and development of the growing foetus.
Other important nutrients in maternal milk are calcium, iodine, vitamin B12, iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, DHA, protein and many more. Some brands of maternal milk are sugar-free. Frisomum® Gold®’s maternal milk is low in Glycemic Index (GI) to help pregnant mums maintain a healthy weight throughout their pregnancy.

Source from Frisomum® Gold®
Most pregnant moms will experience morning sickness and have trouble keeping food down during the first trimester. Some moms can’t eat well throughout the pregnancy. Maternal milk is an excellent way to supplement their nutritional intake during this crucial period.
Would you gain excessive weight from maternal milk?
1. No. 1-2 glasses a day with a balanced diet and without eating for two will not cause excessive weight gain.
2. Many mommies gain a lot of weight during pregnancy as they ate for two throughout their pregnancy. Eating for two is the most common diet blunder during pregnancy. While your baby’s nutrition depends on your diet, this doesn’t mean you need to eat double the amount during pregnancy. Overeating may increase your risk of gestational diabetes, which would result in bigger babies.
While guidelines vary, the Institute of Medicine says if you have a healthy weight, you need no additional calories in the first trimester; you only need 340 extra calories a day in the second trimester, and about 450 extra calories a day in the third trimester. If you’re overweight or underweight, you’ll need more or less than this depending on your weight gain goal.
It takes only a couple of glasses of maternal milk or low fat milk and a handful of seeds and nuts or a tuna sandwich to add enough calories for that last trimester.
If you’re still not sure whether pregnant moms need maternal milk, the best way is to consult your gynae. Your gynae will be able to advise you based on your weight, your growing baby’s weight and other factors. You can also listen to what the experts say about maternal milk to learn more.
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