Cassandra’s Hospitalization ~ Day 3 (Monday, 31 August 2020)

Today is our country’s 63rd National Day celebration and Cass and I are still cooped up in the pediatric ward of Pantai Hospital. She and I, we seem to be always stuck with each other in the hospital from the moment she breathed her first breath 😧. I always have this hunch that in our previous life, we were twins. We even have telepathy over each other.  I actually knew it a few days before she had the latest UTI attack.  My right eye lid twitched and vibrated intensely for a few seconds. It’s kind of scary that I seem to be able to sense premonition about her and my other girls. My eye lids never fail to give me forebodings – 9 out of 10 times. Thus when my eye lid twitches (especially the right one), I always pray for help and try to be super duper paranoia and careful.

This is going to be a short post with more photos to do the talking.  I have to drag my arse off my chair to the bed soon. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.  After dropping off Sherilyn in school in the morning, I have to rush to the hospital to prep for Cass’ discharge.  This is going to take the entire morning. It’s going to be a tense day for me as I am still uncertain if our insurer will approve this claim. I’ll know during discharge tomorrow.  Wish me luck and do pray for me that this hospital stay will be approved by our insurer. It’s going to be a costly bill that includes several blood works, urine culture, several urine tests, ultrasound scan, Covid-19 swab test, PPE suits, costly antibiotics infusion via drips and oral antibiotics. Damn the antibiotics, something that I try so hard to avoid for my girls and myself but alas I have to give in to it.  I also need prayers for Cass to never have another UTI again as each UTI will cause harm to her kidneys. Thus, the moment she felt pain on her  right kidney, I stopped home remedies and brought her to the hospital.

On day 1 (Saturday) at Pantai Hospital’s A&E where we spent the entire morning through afternoon there:

Cass got her wish of having a huge Subway sandwich for lunch (grilled chicken breast) – something that I always feel reluctant to buy as I can easily prep this for her at home, except that I can’t find Subway kind of foot long buns.

Blood and urine samples were taken at the A&E too. No need to run to another block this time.  Even my credit card was swiped at the A&E vs. at the Admission & Discharge Department in previous times.

Covid rapid antigen nose swab as part of pre admission SOP was done at the A&E too.  For this procedure,  the long wire-like apparatus that’s shoved into your nostril is enough to make even the burliest of dude to have cold feet but this fella laughed after the 3-second procedure, albeit teary eyed from the discomfort, making the nurse and I laugh too. She’s a real trooper, trained from infant to endure all these pricking and prodding.  Cass had a long nasal tube inserted from her nostril into her throat without sedation during her stay at GMC Penang when she was 13 months old. I still shudder each time I have flash back of her going into a shock when the nurse inserted the nasal tube into her nostril.

See the PPE suits that the nurses donned on? The cost of the PPE will be included into our bill.  All the doctors, nurses and radiologist who attended to Cass had to don on PPE suits and these will be added to our bill 😭

Our room on the 5th floor: 

Though it’s a double bed room, we get to have the entire room to ourselves as there isn’t any other patient occupying that bed. I’m not allowed to sleep on the vacant bed though.

We were given a complimentary toiletry set and brand new fleece blanket in baby blue. We thought that the blanket is the hospital’s but today when Cass dropped a piece of chicken chop on it and I passed it to the nurse to send it to the laundry, I was told that it’s complimentary as well.  Very nice! Wait till the bill comes!

Ultrasound scan of her kidneys and urinary tract. Thank God there was no sign of inflammation of the kidneys. What a tensed moment for me waiting for the procedure to be over before I asked the radiologist the condition of Cass’ kidneys. Renal function blood test was done too and it’s A-OK as well.  PTL!

With such excellent services, friendly and helpful staff, clean room and toilet and not forgetting the airline-like food that we get to choose from a menu brought to us personally by a staff, I am very certain that the bill will run up to at least RM6k!  Dear God, please let our insurer absorb 90% of the hospital bill  🤞🙏

To be continued soon…

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Author: Shireen

I am a WFHM of 3 lovely girls - Alycia, Sherilyn and Cassandra. I am a health, fitness and clean freak. I am a freelance content writer and occasionally help out my other half in his food catering business. I also do product reviews and accept sponsored posts on my blogs. I hope you'll enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy sharing my day-to-day adventures and mostly boring ranting :P Welcome to my blog! :)

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