Cassandra is Hospitalized

Hi all!  I just got back from the hospital. Cass has to be hospitalized for UTI.  Her pediatrician is extra careful with her whenever she has a UTI attack as she’s got a right duplex kidney and had Grade III Kidney Reflux. He’s very cautious over the bacteria traveling up to her kidneys and scarring them. Thus each time Cass has a UTI with pain on the right kidney, he will order for her to be hospitalized with antibiotics infusion via IV.

It’s 11:10 p.m. now and I’ve got to force myself to my bedroom and force myself to get some sleep, though I’ll be worrying about Cass alone in the hospital by herself. It’s her first time sleeping alone in a foreign place without anyone of us with her.  But I trust that she’s in good hands at a 5-star hospital with 5-star service.  And I’m praying hard that the fever will break by tomorrow and she can be discharged by Monday.  Also praying hard that our insurer will approve this claim, else it’s going to be a BIG OUCH to our hearts and pockets 😭.

To be continued with more stories and photos as soon as I have the time to sit down in front of my PC again.


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Hosting A Golf Tournament

If you are looking to host an event for charity that includes community involvement, you want to consider doing some type of golf tournament. Many people will take the time to volunteer for it and attend. It’s also something that many people can have fun doing and is fit for all ages. Hosting a tournament allows you to reach out to several people far and wide. Here are a few things you need to prepare for in order to make it a success.


You should find a good spot that allows people from all over to attend. A nice course can get even more interested in attending. If you let the owner know your situation, they may offer you a special rate or give you some discounts that can help with the funds for your charity.


The more people that enter, the better flexibility you have with prizes. You can make different levels and sections for people to register in, and you can have various contests for things like the longest drive, longest putt, and closest to the hole. Prizes could include things like golf tournament trophies, cash, or golfing equipment.


You should be promoting your event as much as you can. Put ads on the radio, in the newspaper, and on tv. If you can get a popular speaker or celebrity to come, that could really help get the word out too. Try and pick a good time of year to do it. Choosing a weekend that isn’t a holiday is smart so more people will be available to come.


Have plenty of information about the charity you are supporting. People can take pamphlets and cards so they can learn more. You want the event to inspire others to join you in fighting for the cause. The activities are great, but make sure you are flooding the event with resources that show people what it’s really all about.

Hosting a golf tournament for a charity is a great way to raise money. You can help inspire others to join you in your fight while having fun playing the game.

No. of times viewed = 78