High School For Cassandra

Our laid back littlest brat whom I thought I’d managed to talk her out of choosing a Chinese Independent High School (same private high school as Alycia) changed her mind when almost three quarter of her classmates applied to get into this school, including her bestie, J.   I told the brat that I am not in favor of her choice of high school mainly because of her lackadaisical attitude towards her studies, in particular Chinese language.  Moreover her Chinese language is not strong with both parents being yellow bananas.  She converses in English with her besties most of the time though she’s in a primary Chinese school.   But she has been very steadfast in her decision and not at all funked by the high academic stress, high discipline and intense workload.

In Chinese Independent High Schools, students start learning Physics, Chemistry, Biology and high level Additional Math in Form One (in English and Chinese language) and the difficulty level only gets tougher by the year while students in other schools only start learning all these subjects in Form 4 (for Science stream students).  Also, they have to learn almost all the subjects in both Chinese and English and sit for two examinations in both languages.

To be fair to Cass, I told her that I will give her an opportunity to apply to the high school of her choice and I challenged her to submit the online application herself. The brat took my challenge and filled out the tedious online forms herself, including submission of all necessary documents including corresponding with the school via email herself. She didn’t want me to help her at all!  Her application has been successfully submitted and acknowledged by the high school.   The entrance test will be in October and results will be announced in the same month.  I can’t wait to know if she makes it to the high school or otherwise. I’ve been praying fervently to God to ask Him to choose the right high school for Cass. Whether it’s the high school of her choice or my choice, I pray that Cass will be happy throughout her 5 – 6 years in high school and will be blessed with dedicated teachers and good friends who are good kids who will be her forever good friends.

Our Korean lunch on Sunday at Seoul Korea — the best authentic Korean restaurant around and our all-time favorite. We really don’t mind having our once a week treat at Seoul Korea every Sunday! ❤️

Our weekly supply of organic vegetables delivered to our condo by our regular organic vegetables seller:

From top left clockwise: ‘Yeh Heong Fah’ edible flowers aka Chinese Violet Telosma Cordata (the fragrant flowers only bloom at night, thus the moniker), choy sum, winged beans and a special cross breed vegetable between choy sun and kailan.

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