RMCO Day 49 & 50 ~ Tuesday & Wednesday, 28 & 29 July 2020

These yummy goodies from hubby’s shop came at the right time as my post-Carpal Tunnel Syndrome right hand is inflamed and dang painful resulting from over-usage during the MCO (too much repetitive movements from house chores and washing after cooking 2-3x a day) when our daily part-time helper couldn’t come.  Yesterday was another cook-free day for us, a day for my right hand to rest. I guess I’ll take the easy way out again tomorrow from hubby’s kitchen😁🥳

Mee Siam:

Ayam Masak Lemak (Chicken curry):

Stir-fried mixed vegetables with fresh shiitake mushrooms:

Ikan (Mackerel) masak cili berlada:

Acar Rampai:

Traditional Rainbow Ghee rice / Nasi Hujan Panas:

My ultimate kryptonite – angku kuih and all types of fattening kuih muihs 😆

Will need to see a physiotherapist soon  😥

Sherilyn’s lunch box today, which she cooked last night:

Gaji-namul (Korean seasoned steamed eggplant) and
Gyeran Mari (Rolled Omelette)

These are our favorite Bapsang (side dishes) whenever we have Korean. They’re very easy to prep, healthy and yummy.

Gyeran Mari– thinly pan fried eggs rolled up with Japanese rice and kombu (from the Dashi that she made) seasoned with soy sauce and sugar (optional).

Gaji-namul — steamed egg plant, minced garlic cloves, chopped scallions, soy sauce, hot pepper flakes/chili flakes, fish oil, sesame seed oil and toasted sesame seeds all mixed together.

She made extra eggplant for me, which I had it for breakfast this morning 😊

The food critic giving comments on Sherilyn’s rolled omelette 😆

Our lunch today is exactly the same food as yesterday as there were orders for Nasi Hujan Panas from his customers again today 😁 Tomorrow there are orders for 100 boxes of Nasi Lemak again but I don’t think we can stomach anymore spicy food.  However, if hubs calls me to collect extras from his shop tomorrow, it’s going to be hard to resist the temptation 🤭

No. of times viewed = 29

4 Popular Equestrian Sports

Equestrian sports, i.e., those that involve horses, date back to ancient times and are still popular today. There are many different types of sports available for horses and handlers to participate in together. Some have been around for centuries while others are relatively new. Some are widespread, while others are relatively confined to a particular geographic area. Here are a few of the most popular equestrian sports.

1. Racing
There are several different types of horse racing events. Flat racing involves horses ridden by jockeys running around a track and competing against one another to come in first. There are no obstacles or jumping involved. Cross-country racing involves navigating a course spread out over miles and incorporates the element of an obstacle course.

2. Showjumping
The goal of showjumping is simple: Navigating an obstacle course without hitting or knocking over any of the jumps. While the concept is simple, it requires precision and accuracy of the rider and agility of the horse. Horses are trained with horse jump cavaletti to prevent them from hurting themselves while they learn the necessary skills.

3. Team Sports
The combination of horse and rider could be considered a “team.” However, team equestrian sports involve many horses and riders on one side competing against another. One of the most popular team equestrian sports is polo. Players mounted on horseback use a long-handled mallet to try to move a ball along a field to score goals.

4. Dressage
It is hard to explain dressage to someone who has never seen it. It involves taking a horse through a predetermined series of moves and steps and requires enormous discipline on the part of both the rider and the horse. Dressage is sometimes referred to as equestrian ballet because of the exacting movements and because it can be set to music, although this is not a requirement.

Another popular equestrian sport is eventing, which combines elements of showjumping, cross-country racing, and dressage.

No. of times viewed = 38

RMCO Day 46 ~ Saturday, 25 July 2020

Cass, mil and I had breakfast at our favorite open air kopitiam today. It’s Cass’ first time eating here during the RMCO, her first in 4 months.  Of all the cafes and restaurants that her gourmand daddy often brings us to, this humble kopitiam is still her favorite.


Because of friendly Uncle Weng’s fish paste noodles, which is her favorite.  She used to be hooked to this bitter gourd minced pork noodles sold at a neighborhood kopitiam but the seller had moved away years ago.  And she’s since shifted her favorite to Uncle Weng’s fish paste noodles! Moreover this girl just hates to dress up fancy-schmancy just to go out for a meal at a fancy restaurant. She prefers going out in her pajamas (almost!) at a casual open-air eatery to have a quick bite and go home 😁

This brat always singles out all the fried shallots in her noodles and dump them to me 🙄

My fried meehoon with ‘liu’ from the mil’s curry noodles. The amount you see on the plate is just a quarter; the other three quarter portion is in a tiffin carrier, for whoever who’d like to eat it for lunch later.  I think I have a stomach with an XS capacity as I can’t eat much in a meal, thus my size and 42.7 kg weight  😄

MIL made bubur cha cha with 3 types of sweet potatoes, yam, mixed beans, aromatic palm sugar (from blocks) and freshly squeezed coconut milk for tea time dessert.

And our simple dinner of steamed cod fish, stir-fried celery, long beans and ‘fu pei’ and steamed minced pork with preserved mustard green for the 5 of us.  Hubs was at a client’s wedding event – his first outdoor catering for a wedding during the RMCO 🙏

Alycia was finally in the mood to complete the 800 pieces jigsaw puzzle that her granny gifted her last Christmas. Despite a 4-month home quarantine during the MCO, she didn’t have the mood for puzzles.  The girls seemed to be  discombobulated throughout the time they were stuck at home and had no mood for anything besides seeking comfort from their gadgets.  Being able to go back to school seemed to make them happier as their lives returned to normalcy.

My happy food and ultimate kryptonite – kuih 😛

PS: It took me 4 days to complete this short post as there’s been too much going on the past few days – too much distraction, feeling down and having too much to do with too little help. I’m feeling better today 🥰

No. of times viewed = 30

RMCO Day 43 ~ Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Today has been another fruitful day for me on the jogging treks. I clocked in 10,000 steps before 12 noon today! The vibration and buzz on my Fitbit to congratulate me on hitting 10k steps is such a sensational feeling; a feeling of victory and a golden ticket for me to treat myself to some sinful carbs like kuih, cakes and Nasi Lemak from hubby’s shop without the guilt 😁

Ever since school reopened I find that the days are shorter and time seems to whiz by so much faster. On most nights, I would conk out on my chair in front of my PC by 9 pm  but I’ll be running on fumes to continue my Grab Mom duty to fetch Alycia and Sherilyn back from the tuition center at 9:30 pm (on Wednesdays and Thursdays).

I really wish that there were more hours in a day for me to sleep and do the things that I love. If I had more time on hand, I’ll definitely learn to bake keto cakes, bread and cookies.  But for now, I’ll put this in my To-Do list when I retire 😄

On some mornings,  something as humble as the economy noodles really perk me up.  Today after jogging at the park I bought a packet of economy Mee Siam with added fried lobak and shared this with the mil for breakfast.

Lunch today is Nasi Lemak from hubby’s shop again. Today is the second straight day that we’re having Nasi Lemak from his shop. Yesterday there was chicken rendang with otak-otak and today there’s Ayam Goreng Berempah. Tomorrow his staff will be prepping 100+ boxes of Nasi Lemak again and I’m undecided if we should take some too 😬

We love the aromatic fried spices and onions scattered on the Ayam Goreng Berempah.

This is my portion: just 2 tablespoons of fragrant fluffy coconut rice with 2 pieces of fried chicken, lots of fried spices and some crunchy fried anchovies and peanuts.  Simply divine!

Salivating already? Just Whatsapp Catermate at 019-266 4297 to place your order  😁

Our dinner, yesterday:

Curry vegetables (takeaway), Sam Pei Jie (3 Cups Chicken) cooked with homegrown basil, stir-fried red and green spinach and omelette with organic ‘Yeh Heong Fah’ edible flowers aka Chinese Violet Telosma Cordata.

No. of times viewed = 37

RMCO Day 40 ~ Sunday, 19 July 2020

Lunch today was at Seoul Korea, a Korean restaurant run by a Korean couple.  Our family consisting a persnickety foodie and two older girls who are K-pop fans and K-food lovers and including moi think that Seoul Korea serve the BEST Korean food. We’d tried almost a dozen Korean restaurants but none compares to Seoul Korea.  Food is priced reasonably and the waiting staff keep replenishing your appetizer plates with really delicious Banchan (side dishes).  We’ve all been missing the food here ever since the owners went back to Korea for a couple of months late last year. Then we were hit by the pandemic and lockdown and finally after more than half a year we’re able to dine in here again.

Fortunately we were at the restaurant early as by the time we left at 1 p.m, the steps on the stairs leading to the first floor restaurant were lined up with fans waiting patiently for their turn for a table. This is one restaurant that I don’t mind going to every weekend.

The girls love the food so much that they even requested that all leftover food, including the Banchan, be tapau back so that they could bring the leftovers to school the next day.

Sherilyn had to ask for a pair of scissors to cut up her food as she’s still finding it hard to chew with braces on.  She’s currently in her second week on braces and has cuts and ulcers all over her inner mouth.  This is the sole reason why I didn’t want braces to fix my snaggletooth when I was a teen – I have really low pain threshold.

After lunch, we segued into Family Mart to have Sofuto, just because Family Mart released a new Sofuto flavor recently – French Crème Brûlée Sofuto!

I still prefer Belgium dark chocolate Sofuto but this flavor is not available at our neighborhood’s outlet, bummer! So we settled for Matcha, which is also a delight. I shared it with Cass.

We’re never too full for a Sofuto treat.  I was so stuffed after a heavy lunch with ice-cream that I gave dinner a miss.

Leftover Korean rice and kimchi for Cass’ lunch box the next day:

No. of times viewed = 42

RMCO Day 36 ~ Wednesday, 15 July 2020

Today I finally saw some semblance of  my pre-Covid19 days. But in reality, normalcy is far from near, until a vaccine is found.  The girls are back in school today. All 3 girls woke up on their own; Sherilyn and Cass were raring to go back to school after 4  months long of boredom being cooped up at home.  Today is day 1 of Alycia’s mid-year exam. She will have to sit for a few more exams before the actual SPM exam from 6 January ~ 9 February next year!  😵

After sending Sherilyn to school, I went to the park to jog for another half an hour, just to clock in at least 6,000 steps for the morning session. Before sending Sherilyn to school, I’d brisk walked for 10 minutes at the condo jogging trek before rushing back to send hubby to his shop at 6:30 a.m. as his car was still at the repair workshop.  The remaining 2k – 3k steps  are normally acquired when I run errands and do slavery chores in the house. Throughout the MCO, I managed to clock in at least 6k-8k steps in a day 🏃‍♀️

I’d prepped myself mentally for my pre-Covid19 hectic days to resume now that schools and tuition centers reopen today.   At noon today, I received an email from my online boss who tasked me with 7 articles to write on topics that I am totally clueless!  At that time I was at the supermarket shopping for groceries, then I received an unexpected call from hubs asking me to send him to the car repair shop about 10km away to collect his car.  By the time I was back home, I had to rush to school to fetch Sherilyn, then rushed home to wait for Cassandra’s return from school.  Thankfully mil was at home to help prep lunch for us. By the time I had the time to sit down and start writing, it was already 3-ish p.m.. How the heck am I going to dish out at least 4 posts to my boss by today as promised?!  I always spend at least an hour browsing for information to understand and study the topic/product that I am assigned to write before I start writing a 400 – 500 word article.    I have another round of chauffeuring to do at 7:30 p.m. and then at 9:30 p.m. to fetch Sherilyn back from the tuition center.  Thank God our helper is here today! She’s God-sent and I pray that we can have her back in our home 5-6 times a week like she used to before the sodding pandemic crippled the world economy, when times were so much more comfortable for us.

We had fish head curry from hubby’s shop for dinner tonight. Mil also bought takeaway pig’s trotters in black vinegar and pig stomach hot pepper soup.  Was too busy to remember snapping photos of the food.

I hope your kids’ first day of school was uneventful and went smoothly.  Let’s pray  that Phase 2 and Phase 3 of school reopening (on 22 July) will run smoothly without a single new infection from schools 🙏🏻.

No. of times viewed = 45

Three Things To Look For in Health Insurance Policies

Finding the right health insurance policy for yourself and your dependents can be intimidating, especially with all the technical language involved in the plans and having to compare different markets and policies for the best coverage for the price. When you go with a broker, you can have many of your questions answered while he or she is determining your needs and preferences, but you should still look at the networks covered, the total costs and the perks or benefits.

Not every plan covers the same health care network, so it is important to eliminate any options which do not cover your preferred network, or which exclude your doctor. Some will let you choose almost any network or doctor, have higher copays for out-of-network specialists or not cover any doctors or facilities which are in a different network. When you work with a broker like Joel Lee Health Markets, you can choose between multiple markets and plans to find the one covering your network with the policies you need.

Total Costs
Total costs for health insurance include premiums, copays, prescription costs and deductibles. Looking at only one of these, premiums for example, can end up costing you more in the end. When you are comparing policies, look at the total costs and compare them to your health needs. Paying a higher premium can be less expensive in the long run if copays for yearly health checkups are zero and for other visits is lower than other plans, especially if you have several children needing Well Child Checks a year.

Perks and Benefits
Some plans, especially those offered through workplaces, offer perks and benefits for joining. This may include complimentary gym memberships, discounts for using fitness apps or online portals to easily manage your plans. If you need to provide documentation for reimbursement or need to quickly find a specialist covered by your plan, then having an online portal for those things can be more convenient than finding a fax machine or calling doctors from a printed booklet. You can even find some plans offering free online or virtual appointments with doctors and nurses for better access to medical professionals.

Finding the right insurance plan for you and your family means looking at the networks, total costs and perks associated with each one. This can be relatively easy when you go through a broker or you can sometimes compare the information online.

No. of times viewed = 46

RMCO Day 34 ~ Monday, 13 July 2020

Today is mall shopping day with Sherilyn and the mil. When school reopens, Sherilyn won’t have the time to go shopping unless there’s a public holiday or it’s the school holidays. I never like to go shopping on a public holiday because of the crowd. It’s Sherilyn’s first outing to the mall during the MCO; her first in over 5 months.  The other two girls stayed home to attend their schools’ online classes.

Lunch was at An Viet @ Gardens Mall as I wanted to utilize a RM10 voucher earned when I last had lunch at this restaurant with hubs a month ago.

The situation at the mall is back to normal. There were crowds at most eateries and at Uniqlo, business was as usual brisk with many shoppers.  Many items were on sale and I got myself two bra tops at great deals. Because of the MCO, Uniqlo extended the validity of my birthday voucher worth RM15 and I got more savings from the voucher. The two bra tops are my belated birthday present for myself ☺️

I’ve now gotten the hang of mopping the floor with my left  hand (I’m a right-hander).  Well, when the right hand is in pain because of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, I can’t just whine and do nothing. Work still has to be done. Slowly but surely, I’ve learned to do things with my left hand so that the right hand gets a breather.  With continued practice, I’ll soon be joining the 1 percent ambidextrous people in the world  😁

No. of times viewed = 44

Stay Home And Have Delicious Fresh Crabs Delivered To Your Doorstep!

If you are a seafood lover and enjoy feasting on crabs, did you know that you can reap amazing health benefits from eating crab meat?  All shellfish, including crabs, have generous amounts of selenium. Selenium is an anti-oxidant that negates the carcinogenic effects of cadmium, mercury and arsenic, which can cause tumors in humans. It has been proven that higher levels of selenium in the blood lead to lower rates of cancer.  Besides getting to savour succulent crab meat, crab lovers will be pleased to know that crab meat has the ability to boost the immune system, increases cognition, protects your heart, promotes bone health and lowers inflammation.

If you are a fan of crabs and stay in Singapore, you can savour the freshest Sri Lankan crabs without having to leave your home by ordering it from 8 Crabs, an established wholesaler and retailer of fresh crabs and other premium seafood who also dish up delicious homecooked style crabs. As they have their own supplier and processing factory of wild-catch grade AAA crabs from Sri Lanka, their crabs are exceptionally big, fresh and meaty.  You pay for meat and not empty shells.

Some Fun Facts About Crabs
Crabs naturally travel about 500m every night and prefer to live alone. However, crab farmers breed many crabs in a confined space in order to be profitable. This causes the crabs to get stressed very easily in captivity as many farms cannot replicate their natural habitat.  When stressed, crabs produce ammonia, which is a sign of decomposition of seafood. Have you ever experienced a foul nauseating ammonia taste from the crabs that you ate? I had gone through such bad experience plenty of times and this has resulted in me starting to dislike eating crabs.

Why Order Your Crab Dish From 8 Crabs?
Most restaurants purchase farmed crabs because they are cheaper. As a result, they use highly fragrant gravies to cover up the ammonia smell.   The crabs from 8 Crabs are wild-caught from the sea, sourced from Sri Lanka.  They are the only company in Singapore using grade AAA premium Sri Lankan sourced wild crabs. This is graded by the most experienced crab graders in the trade.   This means that their crabs are meatier, tastier, bigger, and less watery.   To ensure freshness, these crabs are caught in Sri Lanka, flown to Singapore daily, cooked and delivered to you within 12 hours.  Their award-winning chefs prepare and cook these fresh crabs daily to guarantee the best flavour and taste.  They also have a one driver to an order policy across their 12 kitchens island-wide so that they may uphold their promise of One Hour Crab Delivery or a refund given.

Jumbo size fresh Sri Lankan crabs!

Freshly Cooked Upon Your Order
Unlike most crab delivery services, 8 Crabs do not freeze their crabs and gravy and reheat them again just to meet the high demand. They ensure that they handpick the best live and meatiest crabs and whip them up into glorious perfection.  Customers are also promised of a one hour delivery from the time that they place an order.  Their advantage as a wholesaler and retailer allows them to move their crabs and seafood extremely quickly. Their expertise also ensures that each crab is treated humanely, and provided a temporal environment that would guarantee its survival. While other crab delivery restaurants need to cook the least fresh crab first, 8 Crabs has the luxury of preparing the freshest crab for you.

Award-Winning Crab Dishes
At 8 Crabs, customers get to choose from best-selling crab dishes cooked by 5-star chefs, namely Award-Winning Chilli Crab, Award-Winning Black Pepper Crab and Award-Winning Salted Egg Crab.

With the reassurance that 8 Crabs cook only live crabs of AAA grade air-flown daily from Sri Lanka, crab lovers can now enjoy a luxurious 5-star meal in the comfort of their homes delivered within an hour of payment.  Besides crabs, there are other seafood dishes to choose from – from fish, prawns, squids to pork, poultry, rice, noodles and much more. To enjoy free shipping, just spend a minimum of SGD120 in one receipt.  For more information and to order, kindly hop over to 8 Crabs. You may also email: hello@8crabs.com or WhatsApp: +65 8725 0725


No. of times viewed = 67

RMCO Day 33 ~ Sunday, 12 July 2020

Hubs brought the girls to the Datuk Lee Chong Wei Sports Arena to play badminton with our friends’ kids this morning.  These are the kids who grow up together with our girls, the same bunch of kids whom our girls went on trips together with since young.

The pain on my right hand is still a thorn in my side and I’m unable to carry anything heavy or turn my hand in certain angles. I can’t even turn my wrist to carry my bag or pull the car’s safety belt, thus there’s no way I can hold a racquet to play badminton.  So I stayed home to finish off some house chores and then walked to the nearby stalls to get some delish homemade pandan coconut paus and newspapers.  The Carpal Tunnel Syndrome on my right hand is rearing its ugly head again after being in a semi-dormant state for more than 16 years.  The pain crept up during the MCO when I overworked my right hand.

What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

The pain in my carpal tunnel is due to excess pressure in my wrist and on the median nerve. Inflammation can cause swelling. Carpal tunnel syndrome has been associated with certain tasks including:

Repetitive hand motions.
Awkward hand positions.
Positioning of your wrists while using your keyboard or mouse.
Any repeated movement that overextends your wrist, such as playing the piano or typing.

Throughout the 4 months of MCO when Maria our part-time helper couldn’t come, I’ve overworked myself and my hands. With cooking 3 meals a day and a house full of occupants, never had I washed and cleaned up so much.  I’ve had full time and part time maids almost all my life and this is the first time in my life that I had to do so much housework!  Thank God Maria can now come into our home again, albeit not everyday.  She’s now coming in twice a week and because of the pain in my hand,  I’m thinking of getting her to come thrice a week when school reopens next week. That’s when my Grab Mom duties are back in full swing till almost 10 p.m. several times a week. Thus, I will need Maria to come and help me out on days when I have to make up to 10 trips in a day.

After badminton, we had lunch together. It’s been a while since I last had lunch with my friends at a restaurant.

Lunch was at our friend’s restaurant in our neighborhood.

Fish paste and fish head noodles from Uncle Weng Fish Head Noodles.

The weather has been gloomy and wet the past few mornings. I’ve not been able to go jogging the past few mornings. Today I walked to the nearby shops though there was a light drizzle. Hubby’s car was re-admitted to the car repair shop yesterday, just two days after it was discharged and he’s now using my car.

I’m off to Mid Valley Megamall with Sherilyn tomorrow morning as she has some stuff to get before school reopens on Wednesday. And she’s outgrown most of her pants and needs new ones too. She’s put on a little weight during the MCO. It’s difficult not to when she’s been baking and cooking and have not been very active  😅

Have a great new week ahead everyone!

No. of times viewed = 48

RMCO Day 31 ~ Friday, 10 July 2020

Today is the third day I skipped exercising. The past two mornings were spent at UTC Pudu to get Cass’ new IC done. I was raring to go jogging this morning but it drizzled the entire day, bummer! Since I couldn’t go jogging, I went to the supermarket and Mr DIY instead. Shopping is the next best alternative to jogging as it involves lots of walking too 😁

I was planning to go on a diet and limit my carbs intake today as I’ve not been exercising for 3 days straight but hubs brought these sinfully delish angku kuih and crispy curry puffs back! How could I resist angku kuih? My ultimate kryptonite is kuih! 😳

He also brought back Mee Siam with Ayam Masak Merah. These are extras from his shop for the day.  And these are my favorites too! Diet be damned!!

Drooling already? 😆  Go ahead and satiate your craving by supporting hubby’s catering and bento box.  You can Whatsapp him at 019-266 4297 to order. Thanks in advance for your support ❤️

Keeping my fingers crossed that tomorrow morning’s weather will be perfect so that I can unleash all my pent-up energy and run for at least 40 minutes 🙏

Our MMA fighter attended online Taekwondo class again today. She’s still nursing an inflamed corn on her foot and has not been very active lately.

The Government announced today that contact sports will be allowed again effective 15 July 2020, which means that Sherilyn will soon be able to go back to the gym to attend Taekwondo, Muay Thai and Kickboxing.  I dread thinking of all the chauffeuring from morning till late night when school, tuition, dance and MMA classes start again 😵


No. of times viewed = 50

RMCO Day 27 ~ Monday, 6 July 2020 – Sherilyn On Dental Braces

Sherilyn finally got her braces fitted today after a 2-year wait.  When I brought her and Alycia to the dentist to have their teeth checked and X-ray taken two years ago, the dentist informed me that Sherilyn still had a few milk teeth that have not dropped, thus was not ready to be put on braces. She has a few crocked front teeth and a snaggletooth while Alycia had two snaggletooth and a jaw that’s not aligned.

Alycia now has a set of straightened teeth and her jaw is not protruding anymore.  I’ve completed the RM200 monthly installment for her RM6,500 braces and she has a few more months to go before the braces can be removed.

The dentist had to extract a tooth to make way for space before the braces can be fitted on Sherilyn’s teeth.

Both Alycia and Sherilyn were very calm and nonchalant throughout the braces fitting and tooth extraction session. Totally unlike their high-strung mom.

Before the dental appointment, our baking queen whipped up something that’s easy to swallow for herself – a jumbo egg custard with caramel for her dinner and breakfast for the next day.

Lunch the next day was fish porridge, which she took forever to finish.  I suggested that she should blend her food for dinner and for once, she listened to my advice!  She blitzed the fish porridge and some dishes in the Blendtec blender into a puree that’s a pure bliss to swallow.   I reminded Sherilyn that I used to blend all her meals from the time she was ready for solids until she was about 2 years old as she was a toothless toddler who only cut her first tooth when she was 12 months old. She was also a very difficult eater and needed our live-in helper, Su to feed her every single day until she was 2 years old.  Our 3 girls were all late teeth cutters; Cass only cut her first tooth when she was 14 months old.

Food for the girl on braces:

Ice-cream potong, fish porridge, matcha red beans chiffon cake, black sesame soft bread and yoghurt.

The sight of the blender with dishes brought back memories of me blending Sherilyn’s food every single night until she was about 2 years old.

Pureed fish porridge with stir-fried pork and onions and stir-fried red spinach.  Don’t you think it looks like mushroom soup?  😆

No. of times viewed = 49

RMCO Day 26 ~ Sunday, 5 July 2020

I woke up at 6:45 a.m. today. I’ve been waking up at this time almost everyday throughout the MCO, except on days that Alycia has to go to school on Wednesdays and Thursdays when I will be up at 5:45 a.m.

When Cass and Sherilyn return to school on 15 July, I’ll be up by 4:30 a.m. again.  😫 😩 🥺.   This ungodly waking time does not do me any good. Even waking up at 5:30 a.m. is a pain for me. It makes my brain foggy and I find it really torturous to have to battle the extreme sleepiness at that hour.  The only thing I like about being up at this hour is the absolute silence and peace in the house, sans any noise except for the soothing music from the radio.  And of course my pre-dawn workout after sending Cass off to the school van.  My daily 40-60 minutes of pre-dawn workout helps me to detox my mind and body as well as gives me a quiet time to do some soul-searching and prayer.

Beautiful sunrise at 6:45 a.m. today:

These days, hubs has to be at the bistro that he set up for a client every single day – to train the staff and ensure that the bistro runs smoothly and profitably.  He leaves the house early in the morning for his office and shop to settle catering and food box delivery orders and then scoots off to the client’s bistro in Sunway.

This morning we went groceries shopping at our neighborhood supermarket and had lunch together before he started work – first at his shop to supervise food preparation ordered by a customer for a party and then to the bistro.  He has to work doubly hard now to recoup the earnings he lost for the months of having zero income during the initial months of the MCO  💪

In the afternoon, I went to hubby’s shop to collect lasagna as he told his chef to cook extra for us but the extra is one gargantuan tray for us!  The girls are so happy as lasagna is one of their favorites. I’m happiest as I don’t have to cook dinner. No cooking = less washing and that’s my kind of lazy Sunday.

Loaded with cheese on top and generous amount of minced chicken and veggies on the inside. And not too salty or oily. Perfect lasagna!

I divided the lasagna into 4 tubs for freezing for future meals and gave a tub to Maria, our part-time helper who was here today to clean up SIL’s vacant unit on the other block.

Tub on the foreground – biggest chunk for Maria and her hubby. This will be their breakfast tomorrow.

If you’d like to try this delish lasagna or want to order food for an event at your workplace or home, please Whatsapp Alan at 019-266 4297 or email catermatesdnbhd@gmail.com.  Thank you ❤️

Happy Sunday, all and sundry ☺️

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A & S

Our middle child is the cheekiest and most mischievous of the three girls, from the moment she announced her grand arrival 15+ years ago. She’s the loudest, most aggressive and most melodramatic. She has mellowed down a lot now compared to her younger days.  When Sherilyn is in a cheeky mood, she will tease everyone just to stoke some wicked laughter. She especially likes to disturb her older sis who is quite aloof and a polar opposite from her.

Here, she’s making fun of how her che che looks wearing a cap. Alycia only wears a cap when she plays tennis and she’s just finished tennis lesson. I find it really hilarious as Sherilyn is only laughing herself while Alycia is super pissed with her mocking and about to lash out laser on her 🤣.

This cheeky fella likes to scoff at her sister’s sense of fashion too, like when her sister wears some bright colored oversized Sweden soccer jerseys or some Korean style checker jackets.  I must say that someone sure has a quirky sense of fashion which makes my eye roll sometimes! 🤣

And it takes a lot of skill to snap this photo before the two realized it. After I clicked on the snap button on my phone, the wicked one realized it and need I say more? 😆

Have a great weekend peeps!

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RMCO Day 23 ~ Thursday, 2 July 2020

In less than two weeks, Sherilyn and Cass will be returning to classroom learning! While I am glad that they can be back in school and not be cooped up at home and get hooked to their gadgets all day, I am a little sad that our long holidays will soon be over 😌  This kind of holiday happens once (or maybe twice) in our lifetime and it’s the only time in our lives that we get to be together lollygagging around the home 24/7 for four months.

Despite the anxiety over a bunch of uncertainties facing us, grinding gears with family members, the stress of having to cook 3 meals a day and cleaning up like crazy the entire day with a house full of occupants throughout the four months of house quarantine, in hindside, I’ve enjoyed the quarantine at home with my girls.  We get to sleep in everyday, have no where to rush to, my Grab mom duties were put on hold and the girls have no exam stress. PT3 and UPSR exams were scratched out  and SPM postponed to next January and that’s the biggest joy for us 😆

Things are slowly and surely getting back to normal.  I wouldn’t say that this year sucks as everyone has been grounded; the grounding has pushed a total reset button in all of us, which is a good thing, as most of us took many things for granted pre-Covid19. The past 4 months have been a time of reflection for many of us.   The only downside of the pandemic and months of partial lockdown for us is that it has sucked out a chunk of hubby’s savings just to keep his business going without laying off his staff and the household running uninterrupted.  It’s like a game of Snakes and Ladders and this year we landed on the snake’s head and have to slide down to the bottom of the snake and work our way up again. If you’ve played this board game before, you’ll know that everyone has to land on the snake’s head at least once and get thrown to the bottom again.  And like the game, we will somehow reach the top again, in a matter of time 💪

Our dinner: Japanese curry (the girls’ all-time favorite dish), ‘Yeh Heong Fah’ / Fragrant Telosma omelette (my favorite) and leftover radish+ mushroom+ carrot + pork bone soup from yesterday.

No. of times viewed = 63

RMCO Day 22 ~ Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Hubs managed to squeeze in some time to have breakfast with me at our favorite open air coffee shop today. It’s our first time in over 3 months since we last had our breakfast here together.

The fish paste noodles seller who forgot to add fish paste into my food carrier last Saturday waved at me the moment he saw me alight from the car. He apologized to me profusely and I said “it’s ok uncle!”  He has promised to give me extra fish paste the next time I buy from him but I got a surprise when he gave me a full set of noodles with fish paste without charging me today. I offered to pay for just the noodles but he said “it’s OK!”  😊  This uncle sure knows how to please his customers.

Sherilyn’s martial arts master who used to run a gym teaching mixed martial arts will be resuming business after being forced to close down for 3 months during the MCO. They have moved to a new premises to set up a gym.  Taekwondo classes will still be conducted online in July and will be conducted at the gym starting August this year. However, Muay Thai and Kickboxing classes cannot resume yet as these are close contact sports, as per the Government’s SOP.

And finally the announcement that all the parents have been waiting anxiously to hear since the start of the MCO almost 4 months ago was announced this afternoon.

Schools for Form 6 Semester 1, Remove Class, Form 1 to 4 for secondary schools and Standard 5 and 6 for primary schools will begin on Wednesday, July 15 2020.  Meanwhile, Standard 1 to 4 primary school students will commence classes on Wednesday, July 22, 2020.  Tuition centres will also be allowed to open on July 15, 2020.

So our lives will return to almost 100% normal in two weeks, except that our new norm for the months to come will involve wearing of face mask each time we are out of our homes, washing and sanitizing hands frequently and maintaining social distancing.  I’ve been stocking up on reusable cloth face masks with purchases from Shopee, Lazada and some Facebook sellers for the past 2 weeks.  My new found hobby now is collecting face masks in different colors and motifs 😆

Something for Malaysians to be proud of – our country achieved ZERO local transmission case for the first time today since the pandemic started 🙏

We should all continue with being vigilant and adhere strictly to SOP to keep Malaysia free from Covid-19 cases for at least 28 days before we are declared a Covid-19 free country.  Twenty-eight days correspond to two Covid-19 incubation cycles.

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