Grandma’s Game Partner

The mil is hooked on Rummikub, a best-selling and fascinating board game that she learned to play with my 13-year old nephew when she was in Hong Kong. When my visiting SIL #2 from Hong Kong came to visit recently, she bought a set of Rummikub for the mil from Hong Kong. We were unable to find the original Rummikub at leading toy stores in KL. I ordered a set from Lazada (shipped from China) but it wasn’t an original set and the quality was so trashy that the tiles couldn’t sit firmly on the stand.  Our friend later ordered a set for us from Shopee and the quality was just as cheesy.

Besides Cass, no one else is interested or has the time to play this game with the mil. Actually Cass has an ulterior  motive playing the game with her grandma 🤑

Tell me what motivates you best?

Yeah, that’s what motivates her too. And me. We all work hard for it.😁

The game got so intense between Cass and the mil that the both of them stayed home on a Saturday night to play while Alycia and Sherilyn and I went out for dinner at a Korean restaurant.

See how $$ motivates eh?

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