Update On Cassandra’s Appointment With The Urologist at HKL On 4 July 2019

It took me almost half a year to finally secure an appointment for Cass to see Dr Susan, one of the top urologists at HKL. She has a wealth of experience dealing with a myriad of urological disorders from patients young and old. She treats patients not only at HKL but travels all over Malaysia to treat patients.  Dr Susan used to see Cass but I have not brought her back to see Dr Susan for almost 5 years.

Firstly, it was not easy to get through to Dr Susan’s nurse. When I finally got through, the nurse wasn’t around. Next came Hari Raya and the nurse went on leave. When I finally got hold of her on the phone, she informed me that she lost Cass’ file and she needed a referral letter again!!  W.T.Fun!

One day, the hubs needed to go to HKL to visit his staff who was warded for amputation of leg resulting from diabetes complications. What good opportunity for me to get him to hand over the referral letter to Dr Susan’s nurse.  That was the first step to getting the appointment. Yet, it wasn’t easy and I had to waste another month calling almost everyday to finally secure an appointment!

When the nurse gave me an appointment that was one month away, I flipped and pestered her for a closer date.  Thank God the nurse is pretty easy going and helpful and she told me to come next week, on 4 July 2019.

Yay, first mission of 100 accomplished!

On the day of the appointment, we waited for 3 hours before it was our turn. And the appointment with Dr Susan and the nephrologist lasted for almost an hour. Dr Susan was very thorough as usual. She re-studied the previous MRI  report done on 30 December 2014 and based on the remarks written by the radiologist, she ordered a repeat MRI. This time, furosemide (Lasix) will be given along with IV drips to yield clearer images.

Based on the previous MRI report, the radiologist’s conclusion is – there is a high possibility of an external insertion of an additional ureter. But the MRI quality was poor as Cass moved during the procedure. She kept commenting that her body was itchy!

If the repeat MRI shows an ectopic ureter, Cass would have to undergo another surgery. This time, surgery will not be on the abdomen as the doctor said that operating from the old wound would be extremely messy due to adhesions. Cass has had two surgeries on her abdomen.  Surgery will be from her back, where the kidney is 😭

Our next appointment to see Dr Susan is end September 2019. Hopefully we’ll get a date to do the repeat MRI by this year. And hopefully Cass’ lifelong bladder issues will be resolved once and for all by year end. 🙏

I was surprised when on the day of our appointment with Dr Susan, I saw Cass’ file on the table. The nurse managed to locate the file. Good job to her!!

RM10 for this plate of Malay mixed rice.  There’s only 1 cafeteria at the Complex selling Malay food. I didn’t enjoy the food at all and I totally hate eating with plastic cutlery, especially when I have to use it on chicken with bones!

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