Here’s what I had for my mid-morning breakfast today.
Two seeds of Durian ‘kampung’
And four slices of Meiji oat crackers slathered with papa’s delicious homemade pandan kaya.
Lately, I can only tolerate durian ‘kampung’ well without the adverse side effects that I get whenever I eat Musang King. With Musang King, I am sure to get a burning throat within minutes of eating, thrown in with stomach discomfort and diarrhea as quick as several hours later. The burning throat sensation would persist for a few days and I would feel sickly and heaty. I can’t recall suffering from these side effects when I ate Musang King years ago.
Last week Sherilyn suffered from diarrhea and tummy ache for several days after feasting on a few seeds of Musang King. And the hubs is now nursing a sore throat after indulging in some premium Musang King early this week.
Creepy right?
Fans of Musang King, please don’t shoot me for being a party pooper!
See the trend? I’m pretty sure it’s the side effects of the chemicals and insecticide that these premium durians have been tainted with. A few fruit sellers whom I am very chummy with confirmed this recently. So no thanks. I am so done and over with Musang King and all the premium species.
I’m sticking with durian ‘kampung’ from my regular organic vegetables seller and from trusted fruit sellers who are upfront with me on which durians have high levels of insecticide. With durian ‘kampung’, I don’t suffer from any side effects, except feeling a tad heaty when I overdo it.
Do you get similar side effects from Musang King too?
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