The mil left for her 1.5 months long vacation in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan yesterday. Her departure means lesser time for myself and more hectic days ahead for me as I will have to be in charge of cooking the children’s meals. For those who read my blogs long enough, you would have read umpteen times on how I lamented that cooking is like a chore to me. It’s a chore as I have too much on my plate, from being the driver to the tutor, the financial controller, the PA to the hubs and mil, the cook, the wife and the mother on top of having to work from home. This year I have more trips to make daily chauffeuring the girls around for tuition and activities. Give me a live-in maid, bring on the cooking! I don’t mind cooking (sometimes love it too) but I find all the prep and washing up too time consuming. We do not have a dishwasher at home simply because we cannot possibly find any space in our tiny kitchen that can fit in one, unless we put it outside our unit!
Here’s my first homecooked dinner for the year. I always start off with the easiest to cook, which is a one tray baked dish and the girls love this sort of dish to bits.
Baked chicken, potatoes, garlic and onions; blanched broccoli and braised arrowroot pork (leftover from yesterday dinner). No rice for dinner and everyone was so happy. When the mil is around, rice is a must on the dining table every evening.
Wait till the cooking momentum swings smoothly and I’ll venture on to more exciting dishes!
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