Thursday, 10 January 2019

The mil left for her 1.5 months long vacation in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan yesterday.  Her departure means lesser time for myself and more hectic days ahead for me as I will have to be in charge of  cooking the children’s meals.  For those who read my blogs long enough, you would have read umpteen times on how I lamented that cooking is like a chore to me.  It’s a chore as I have too much on my plate, from being the driver to the tutor, the financial controller, the PA to the hubs and mil, the cook, the wife and the mother on top of having to work from home.  This year I have more trips to make daily chauffeuring the girls around for tuition and activities.  Give me a live-in maid, bring on the cooking! I don’t mind cooking (sometimes love it too) but I find all the prep and washing up too time consuming. We do not have a dishwasher at home simply because we cannot possibly find any space in our tiny kitchen that can fit in one, unless we put it outside our unit!

Here’s my first  homecooked dinner for the year. I always start off with the easiest to cook, which is a one tray baked dish and the girls love this sort of dish to bits.

Baked chicken, potatoes, garlic and onions; blanched broccoli and braised arrowroot pork (leftover from yesterday dinner). No rice for dinner and everyone was so happy.  When the mil is around, rice is a must on the dining table every evening.

Wait till the cooking momentum swings smoothly and I’ll venture on to more exciting dishes!


No. of times viewed = 32

The Boiling Spot Ensures You’ll Be Boiling with Love of Seafood

A Night Out
A staple of first dates, dates in general, and just a good time to spend with family or friends, is to go out to eat. It’s a wonderful break from the monotony of home and the same dishes every week. It also helps cut down on the number of dishes that need to be cleaned. Instead, you can have someone else cook for you. Why just go to a fast food restaurant or somewhere you’ve been before? In fact, for those who particularly enjoy good seafood, then you should visit the best seafood Plano TX restaurant around. It’s called The Boiling Spot.

An Emphasis On Fresh
If you eat a lot of seafood, you can probably tell by now between fresh seafood and those that have been sitting in a freezer for a few days. That’s why when you sit down at The Boiling Spot, you’ll be blown away by their cajun dishes. Each dish is made from fresh seafood of the highest of qualities. Their chefs are passionate about the food they cook and it shows. They go the extra mile in delivering mouth-watering flavor to create a flavorful experience that you won’t soon forget.

The menu alone should have you at the edge of your seat and ready to cancel any prior dinner plans in order to head to The Boiling Spot instead. Picture some of these items. For those who want to bring a large group to try the seafood out, then you can enjoy the huge platter of food the restaurant offers. With your selection of how hot you want the food to be, you can enjoy a sumptuous meal of King, Snow Crab, Jumbo Shrimp, Sausage, Clams, Mussels, Corn, and Potatoes all in one dish in their Colossal Combo dish. That’s just one of the many richly flavored meals you can select. For those who want to say goodbye to bland dinners, come to The Boiling Spot.

No. of times viewed = 36

Math and Arithmetic in a Montessori Environment

The Montessori approach to education views children as natural learners who are eager to acquire new knowledge from an early age and who benefit from a supportive learning environment. Numbers have a very practical application in a young child’s life, so many Montessori math materials focus on helping children make the mental leap from the world around them to the realm of the abstract.

Montessori Math Beads
Maria Montessori, the Italian physician who first formulated the educational philosophy that bears her name, theorized that children were developmentally ready to start thinking of math in abstract terms around the age of four. Children do need learning materials, however, that will facilitate the leap from concrete reality to abstract thought. One of the these learning materials Maria Montessori developed are the Knobbed Cylinders.

The Knobbed Cylinders are designed to help young learners learn how to discriminate between math-based concepts like width, height, weight and size. At first, children discriminate between dimensions visually, but as they grow more adept with the cylinders, they begin to differentiate between them on the basis of touch.

Other Basic Montessori Mathematics Materials
Many mathematically based concepts that seem intuitive to adults are actually learned concepts. Montessori mathematics materials build upon other to enhance children’s understanding of these concepts and to increase their confidence in making the required distinctions.

Red Rods: Red Rods are designed to refine children’s visual understanding of length. Working with Red Rods enables children to discriminate between short and long.

Number Rods: Number Rods look a lot like Red Rods except that they have alternating blue and red segments. They provide an introduction to counting because children build with the Number Rods just as they did with the Red Rods, but counting is associated with the number of different colored sections on the Number Rods.

Montessori Small Numerical Rods

Golden Beads: Golden Beads, which are sometimes called Montessori Math Beads, were designed to provide children with an introduction to the decimal system. By moving beads to different mats and boxes, children begin to grasp unit categories such as tens, hundreds and thousands, and to learn how those categories relate to one another.

No. of times viewed = 31

Tips On How To Choose The Best Pediatric Dentist For Your Child

As a parent, it is essential for you to ensure that your child’s teeth are well taken care of. Compared to adult teeth, a child’s teeth are much more prone to fractures and cavities. That is why it is very important that children be taken to see a pediatric dentist for their dental check-ups a minimum of twice a year.

Pediatric dentists have undergone specialized training beyond general dentistry to learn how to specifically deal with children’s dental needs. They have the qualifications and experience to care for a child’s mouth, gums, and teeth from infancy through the teen years.

The following are some useful tips to help you choose the best st johns county pediatric dentist for your child:

Certification And Qualifications
A pediatric dentist should have completed a Pediatric Dentistry course from an accredited dental school.

A pediatric dentist should hold a license that allows her or him to practice dentistry within your state. Your state board issues and approves professional dental licenses. Licenses and certifications of dentists are usually displayed within the dental clinic’s reception area. You should always make sure to have proof that a pediatric dentist is licensed.

Good With Children
It is very important to find a pediatric dentist who has good behavior management skills and knows how to deal with children in a friendly and professional manner. The dentist should greet your child with a warm and friendly smile and be patient and understanding throughout the entire dental procedure to ensure that your child feels safe and well cared for. Going to the dentist does not need to be a traumatic experience for your child if they have the right dentist who understands their needs and fears.

Another important consideration when choosing a pediatric dentist is the location of their dental office. You are more likely to keep your appointments when they are in a convenient location. This also means less time in the car for your child.

Knowledgeable On Updates And Procedures
Your pediatric dentist should be knowledgeable on the various procedures for treating child teeth. He or she should be able to perform all routine dental care and also be experienced and well-informed on more complex procedures as well.


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