The Amazing Race In School

With so much free time on hand now that all exams for this year are over, I am enlisting the littlest one to help out in the kitchen and around the house.  Besides having to iron her own clothes, Cass has to help with drying and keeping the dishes.  Earlier this week, I made her peel the skin of carrots and potatoes and cut them up into cubes for our Japanese chicken curry dish.

So yesterday my anxiety was quelled. Cass’ class teacher announced the class and standard ‘position’ for the final exam; who’s kicked out and who’s coming in.  Some of those who were eliminated cried. Six kids eliminated from this class last year are coming back next year and seven will be out of this class next year.   Cass is so happy that she gets to see her old friends again.   This elimination thingy is like the Amazing Race and it’s putting pressure on most of the kids.

When I found out that Cass remains in the ‘Elite class’ next year when she goes to Primary 5, honestly, I couldn’t find my feelings. I wasn’t elated exactly.  A small part of me wants her to remain in the Elite class and the bigger part of me wishes for her to be out.  Whether she remains in the Elite class or not,  my ‘tidak apa’ kid does not care much. The stress is solely on ME.  I’ve been going through the exact same feelings and sentiments for the 4th year straight. I’m sure you’d have read about it if you’ve been following my blogs.

I can’t go through life meeting trouble halfway or I’ll end up paralyzed with worries and anxiety.  Hopefully Cass pulls up her socks next year. Better yet, be a go-getter who’s self motivated.   With another year added to her life, hopefully she will be more matured and wiser next year.


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