Papa & Mum’s 48th Wedding Anniversary

My parents were in KL over the weekend. My 75-year old papa drove from Ipoh.  Praise Lord again for bringing them safely to KL and back to Ipoh.  They were here for a double celebration: my cousin’s baby girl’s full moon party on Saturday and their 48th wedding anniversary celebration on Sunday.

Mum received several surprises on her anniversary:

The hubs’ surprised mum with a beautiful bouquet of roses and Drama Queen surprised us with baked reverse crumbled apple rose pies for breakfast on Saturday!

Alycia wrote a poem for her grandparents, which I didn’t even know.  She only came home past midnight on Friday after an outing with her friends at Sunway Lagoon Nights of Fright to celebrate Halloween on the last day of her UEC exam. Her friend’s dad brought them for supper before dropping her home. The next day she slept in till 10 a.m..  This will be the last time she gets to go out at night for a long long time. Hubs and I were not pleased at all that she came home so late. Her reason was horrendous traffic jam at Sunway Lagoon! 🙄

On Sunday, we celebrated papa and mum’s wedding anniversary with a brunch at Copper Mansion PJ.  The designer Choc-a-li-cious cake is from Front Room & The Kneady Baker. We ordered dad’s birthday cake from the same baker in August this year.


I am really thankful that we are able to celebrate this joyous occasion with papa and mum again this year. We’ve been celebrating their wedding anniversary since 2010 and I pray that we can do this for many more years to come.💝 👫


No. of times viewed = 45

Getting Your Kids Excited About Sleep

Don’t you ever just look at your kids and think, ‘why are you taking this sleep for granted?’.  Sometimes after a really hard day, when you haven’t exactly had the most sleep in the world for a week or more now, all you can think about is how you wish you could have as much sleep as your children do, and how annoyed you get at the fact that they don’t want to sleep as much. But, it’s not that they’re not excited about sleep, it’s more to do with the fact that they’re just more excited about what’s going on when they are asleep. They feel as though they’re going to miss out on some of the best times of their life if they go to sleep, but as their eyes clothes and they drift off to the land of nod, they forget about it all! So, we want to show you how you can actually get your kids excited about sleep, so you don’t have all the drama every time it comes close to nap time.

Be Close To Them
This really is the golden ticket as it were. If you stay close to them whilst they’re falling to sleep, they’ll feel so much more comforted. Closeness and warmth are two big keys. So, if you notice them getting a little grouchy, put a film on the TV, cuddle up with them for half an hour, and you will see how quick it is for them to fall to sleep. So many parents seem to lock their kids in their bedroom to try and force a nap on them, when this can only lead to distress. If there is no mention of a nap, and you just keep them comfy and warm, then will no doubt fall to sleep on their own, and very happy too! It takes away all of the tantrums that you might be having, and the same can be applied to their bedtime as well. If you sit in their room with them for a little while, they will fall to sleep much quicker!

Create A Funky Room
A funky room is one that is going to get your kids super excited about sleep. Well, it might make them a little too excited, but at least it takes the chore of having to try and get them into the bedroom away. Once they’re in there, you can guide them away from the TV or toys, and into one of the cabin beds from Cuckooland. They’re so cool for kids to sleep in, and it can really feel like they’ve got a little den of their own up off the ground. If you also put cool wallpaper that lights up in the dark in the room, you’re onto a winner. They’ll instantly want the lights off, and a dark room is going to make them fall to sleep so much quicker!

Get Them Excited About Waking Up!
The final tactic that we have is actually getting them excited about waking up. Tell them what they’re going to be doing if they go to sleep, and we guarantee they’ll be more than inclined to take themselves off up to bed!


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Meet Up With Old Classmates

It’s been a while since my last meet up with my ertswhile classmates from MGS Ipoh. If not for Jennifer who is back from the US of A, I think there would not be a meet up so soon.  After I dropped off my car at the service center, I took Grab to Tasty Chapathi for lunch.

Everyone of us has been busy with our children, jobs and family respectively. It’s pretty difficult to set a date where everyone is available.  Yesterday’s lunch meet up at Tasty Chapathi @ PJ was just the six of us. And it was a great one.  Our yackety-yak was really loud (like teenagers😁 ) along with thunderous guffaw  kept making heads turn towards our direction.  🤫 🤭  We certainly didn’t appear to be a bunch of 45 year old aunties 🤣

Jennifer (on my left) and I have been friends for exactly 4 decades, since we were five! Jennifer is an accomplished photographer in Seattle. I am really proud of her achievement.

Our droolicious North Indian cuisine:



I loved all the dishes but didn’t eat much as I was too busy catching up with my classmates. Plus my throat was still a tad scratchy. There will definitely be a second time at Tasty Chapathi and this time with my family.

Love this Punjabi Chai tea so much. It’s my first time tasting it and I’m totally hooked on it now!

Tasty Chapathi
UNIT C-13A-1 & C-15-01 PHASE 3
NO. 2, Jalan 19/1, Seksyen 19,
46300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Phone: 016-330 2762

No. of times viewed = 106

Sherilyn’s Get The Beat Regional Tour Dance Competition (Sunday, 21 Oct 2018)

My dancing queen and I spent the entire day at the dance competition on our Sunday yesterday.

On the day of my dancing queen’s first solo dance competition, she started to have the sniffles. So did I. We both got bitten by Cass’ bugs which she picked up from school last week.  Bummer!  But she put up a great performance despite having pain on her back and a dribbling wet nose.  Competition was very stiff. The competitors from Australia, Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia were SO SO good! So good that I felt nervous. I’d give them a 10/10 for performance, make-up and costume. Those contestants danced like they were parts of the scenes from The Next Step.  The 14 year olds and above are mostly international competitors who look like pro dancers. Whereas my dancing queen has only just resumed dance lessons 2 months ago after a 1.5-year hiatus to prepare for her UPSR exam. Anyway, we were clear from the very start that she joined the Get The Beat (GTB) dance competition not to win but to gain exposure. So I did not put any pressure on her and myself for any winning (1,2, 3 placing).  I just prayed hard that she would not injure herself anymore as a few days before the competition, Sherilyn discovered two lumpy bruises – one at the back of her neck and one near her spine.  Her dad brought her to the physiotherapist and the neck bruise subsided but the one near her spine has to be checked out by an orthopaedic 😰 for possible fluid aspiration.

Anyway, despite all the setbacks, my dancing queen got 3rd placing in the  Student Under 14 Choreography event and 4th placing in the Jazz Solo Under 14 event.  This earned her the Golden Ticket to the GTB Finals in Singapore in November 2018. The event starts on 26 Nov 2018 and lasts for a few days.  But in light of her current back injury, she will be pulling out from the finals. Right now, we have to get an appointment for Sherilyn to see an orthopaedic and treat her back.

All competitive sports come with the perils, sacrifices and pain. Not to mention money.

Enjoy the pix!

Taking a break and eating sushi for lunch after the first event.

Doing stretches and practice before the second event.

Gulping down a packet of Izumio hydrogenated water to recharge her batteries after her second event.

Dancing Queen’s Golden Ticket to the GTB Finals held in Singapore in November 2018.


Can you spot my dancing queen?

She’s behind one of the Caucasian girls on the far right.

Too bad Sherilyn suffered an injury on her back and has to give the Finals a miss.  Given time, more practice and maturity, I am very sure my Dancing Queen will one day be back at GTB for another competition to clinch the First placing in her category.

Here’s a video of our dancing queen doing a routine practice of the jazz piece at the dance studio:

No. of times viewed = 11

Saturday, 20 October 2018

This is going to be a quick post as I have past my bedtime and I need to wake up at 6 a.m. tomorrow on a SUNDAY. Tomorrow is our Dancing Queen’s big day.  It’s her dance competition day and she has to be at the competition venue by 7:30 a.m..  Thank God for her dedicated dance teacher who is helping to fetch her there in the morning, I do not need to wake up earlier than 6 a.m. and I can at least bring the other 2 girls and the mil out for breakfast first, buy takeout lunch for them and I can get the laundry done before going.

Cass is in a holiday mood already though the 6-week long holidays is only starting in a month’s time. But because her final exam is finally over, she is in a really relaxed mood~ burying her face in her novels all day and doing nothing else.  The first book that she read after her exam is Seconds Away.

Brunch today was prawn noodles and fried glass noodles. The prawn noodles is sans prawns as we don’t really fancy prawns. We had the prawns replaced with minced pork.

As we are now  maid-less, for the first time in this little brat’s life, she washed her school shoes! She donned on a pair of disposable plastic gloves and took about 20 minutes to wash her shoes.  She did a pretty good job, at least better than kakak as the shoes did not have residue of slimy detergent inside out. Good job Cass!

Dinner was at Ruay Thai with just Sherilyn.  Alycia stayed home to cram for her UEC exam which starts next week.  Cass said she didn’t feel like going out and ate cheese on toast. The mil stayed home to be with the girls and ate overnight dishes.

Takeout Seafood Pad Thai for Alycia in my tififn carrier.

Did I tell you that I have at least 2 tiffin carriers and 3 – 4 stainless steel food containers stashed in the trunk of my car for takeout food? 😉  I have a pet peeve over plastic bags used for food takeaway, especially hot soup. I only order takeout food if I have a glass or stainless steel container with me.

Good night world!

No. of times viewed = 13

Busy Evenings

The past three evenings have been super duper hectic for me.  I’ve been training new part-time maids in between chauffeuring Alycia and Sherilyn back from school, to and fro tuition and dance classes, on top of revising with Cass who is sitting for her final exam this week.  Dinners are normally at my work desk, sometimes swallowing a spoonful or two before rushing off to fetch Sherilyn back from school and only finishing it half an hour later, by then the food had already turned cold.

My most trusted and much loved part-time maid, Maria has gone back to Indonesia to get married. She finally summoned the courage to ditch her East Malaysian Chinese boyfriend of 10 years who has no serious intention of marrying her to marry  an Indonesian man whom she has only known for a year. I hope that Maria will find marital bliss with her new hubby. And I pray that she will return to work for us after 6 weeks as promised. Maria has been a God-sent helper of 6 years to me and has brought a lot of joy and peace to my life.  We treat her as part of our family. Life is tough without her coming over to help me in the evenings.

The new temporary part-time helper whom Maria recommended to me stopped working after just 2 days as she is afraid of walking home at 9 at night.  She found her friend Wati, to replace her and thank God Wati seems very capable and has an amiable disposition.  But the same issue cropped up.  Wati is also afraid of walking home at night. Yesterday she asked if she could bring along a friend to work together with her so that she has company in her nightly walk back home.  I was very reluctant but acceded anyway as I know the feeling of having to walk home alone in the dark. I went through this phobia for 6 years before I finally moved out from my rented room in Jalan Ipoh when my handbag was snatched by a scumbag motorcyclist and then bought my first car.

But this friend whom Wati  brought along is O.M.G.!  She looks like a hoyden of a thug who has ciggie breath when she talked.  I almost wanted to blurt out and ask Wati whether her friend is a male or a female!  She certainly does not look like someone I want in my house with 3 young girls and an elderly mil.  On some nights, I have to leave Cass at home alone with the maids while I fetch the two older girls back from tuition, Muay Thai or dance class. I felt really uncomfortable just talking to that tomboy who even named herself ‘Din’ (a Malay name for males).

Long story short, I told Wati that I can’t accept Din to work with her in our house.  Today when I Whatsapped Wati to ask if she’s  coming for work, she lied to me that she has fever and can’t come. I was forthright with her and asked her whether she still wanted to work and she said NO.

Fine. This means I will be maid-less until Maria comes back mid of November, that’s if she ever comes back. In the meantime I tried calling all the part-time maids’ numbers stored on my phone but as fate would have it, all the numbers seemed to be out of service / unreachable.

I’ve had a maid almost half of my life ~ 10 years with a full-time maid and 7 years with a part-time maid.  Now I have to adjust my lifestyle and learn to live without a part-time maid.  I’m sure I’ll be resilient enough to live without someone helping me. Worst case scenario is to pick up the phone and order an hourly paid maid through a maid agency. Everyone in the house will have to sacrifice  and help out to make the household run smoothly.  I may even have to relook at our kitchen layout and engage our contractor to find a way to install a dishwasher.

Cass is sitting for her Science finals today. Breakfast for her today is pan-fried sweet corn fritters (cooked yesterday evening and heated up in the toaster this morning).

Lunch for her is takeout salmon shio yaki bento.

Dessert ~ cut orange, mango, organic cherry tomatoes and a glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice lightly sweetened with Manuka honey.

No. of times viewed = 37

Pre-Final Exam Weekend

On Friday, the mil cooked a big pot of pumpkin chicken porridge and a big pot of ‘tau kok lup’ (a dish consisting of long beans, carrots, pork, prawns, preserved radish; all diced) to go with the porridge before  leaving KL for Ipoh to attend a wedding dinner. The hubs drove back to Ipoh the next day to attend the wedding dinner. So I spent the weekend alone with the girls to do some quiet revision with Cass.

This year’s October has been a very busy month for the girls and me.  Alycia’s PT3 exam has just concluded; as she’s in a Chinese Independent high school, she  has another compulsory exam (UEC) to sit for, which will  commence  from next Monday for a week.  Sherilyn’s  finals also starts next Monday and but she won’t have much time to revise as this Dancing Queen will be away the entire Sunday on the eve of her exam for a dance competition.  Cass’ finals started today.

Thank goodness this  little brat started to get just a tad motivated on the eve of her final exam!  Well, better late than never.

Just nine days ago I realized that there’s no more BM workbook for Cass to practise. I have finished revising the BM text book with her and she has also finished all the BM workbooks and test papers that I had bought for her.  So I made a quick trip to Popular Bookstore and got her another BM workbook.  Cass is pretty weak in her BM and needs lots of drilling on it.  I didn’t really think that she could complete the entire workbook consisting of 9 assessments in 9 days but she did!  On the eve of her BM finals yesterday (Sunday), she did a marathon of exercises and completed the entire workbook, plus marked the exercises herself as I was too busy. I was out chauffeuring the two older girls the whole of Saturday and did not have much time on Sunday.

Yesterday we snacked on mum’s freshly prepped boiled curry leaves chickpeas while revising. The hubs brought it back from Ipoh. Mum has been trying out  new recipes everyday using her brand new Phillips pressure cooker.  And she’s gifting me a brand new Phillips pressure cooker for Christmas! She’s trying out her new toy so that I can attend her tutorials during the December school hols. Thank you mummy 😘

No. of times viewed = 45

Cooking Is Her Passion

My #2 really loves baking and cooking. I can see it’s in her blood. It’s in the blood of the Yaps. Her dad, grandma (paternal and maternal), maternal grandfather, aunts, grand aunts and grand uncles (all from her dad’s side) love cooking and eating. Her grand uncle who is an accomplished heart surgeon in the UK cooks like a chef.  Another grand uncle who is an engineer bakes and cooks very well too. She takes every opportunity that she has to bake and cook. Very soon, she’s going to be a better cook than me. And I’m waiting for that day to arrive so that the Domestic Cooking Department can be headed by her! But Sherilyn claims that she is not going to be in the Food & Beverage line like her dad. She shocked me the other day when she told me that she would love to be in the National Service to feel what it’s like being a soldier and living in a jungle for months! Thank God the Government have plans in scrapping off the National Service in the near future.

Can you imagine having a daughter being in the army? A soldier in the battlefield! I know this daughter of mine is made of tough stuff but being in the army? NO WAY!

Last week before going for  her dance class, she quickly whipped up a batch of chocolate chip cookies.

On Saturday before Taekwondo class, she quickly dished up a new pasta dish. The sauce is made of tomato juice, avocado, onions, garlic and an assortment of organic mushrooms. She also discovered something new from her favorite cooking channel on You Tube ~ that tomato juice can be quickly prepped by scraping the tomatoes with a cheese scraper!

Today she woke up at 7:45 a.m. and cooked all these before going to school at 9:30 a.m. as she wanted to bring something wholesome to have for lunch in school:

Sauteed squids with butter, garlic and lime juice; sauteed assorted organic fungi with garlic, butter and cherry tomatoes.

She brought a big tub of salad with the squids and mushrooms to school for her lunch. Cass and I had those for lunch too and they were yums!

No. of times viewed = 162

The Diamond Earring

Cass has a tendency to stumble upon money and jewelry whenever we go out. Maybe she’s overly observant.  Or maybe she naturally attracts wealth. *HOPEFULLY* 😉

A few years ago she found a RM50 note when we were at the BSC Shopping Centre car park. Months later, she found RM50 in school and  gave  the note to her teacher.  Once, she found a gold ring under the table when we were at a Chinese restaurant.  We passed the ring to the waitress. Hopefully the waitress was honest enough to have passed it to the Lost And Found Department and I hope that the person who lost the ring went back to the restaurant to look for her ring.

Yesterday I was at an invited promotional event at a bank. While I was talking to the Customer Service staff, Cass found a diamond earring on the floor.  After we left the bank, she showed me the  diamond earring. It was beautiful and the diamond was very glittery! But I wasn’t sure if it was real or fake. I told Cass that we had to return the diamond to the owner and we went back to the bank and passed it to the bank officer. Hopefully the owner went back to the bank to look for her diamond earring.

So whatcha think, y’all diamond experts? Does the diamond look like the real deal?  Cass is dying to find out what happens to the diamond earring and if it’s a real one. She’s been harassing me to call the bank officer to find out from her the fate of the diamond earring.

No. of times viewed = 31

Tuesday Eats

My breakkie this morning was something pretty healthy ~ high in protein, high in fiber and almost zilch carbs.

Leftover dinner from last night, eaten cold: organic long beans omelette, organic broccoli and red + yellow bell peppers. I only remembered to snap this photo half way through eating, thus what you see here is just the remains.

Did you know?
Broccoli is a nutrition powerhouse that supplies loads of nutrients for few calories. While there are no single ‘superfoods’ that can prevent cancer and certain risk factors for cancer are unrelated to diet, there is evidence that eating a healthy diet can reduce the risk of cancer. A key component of broccoli is a phytochemical known as sulforaphane, which also gives broccoli a slight bitter taste. Studies have shown that sulforaphane may play a part in enhancing detoxification of airborne toxins, such as cigarette smoke, and could help reduce the risk of certain cancers. Further research has suggested that broccoli may have anti-cancer properties and could reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

After a healthy breakfast, I had another high protein lunch of char siu, siu yoke and curry noodles with the hubs at Happy Garden.

One of the best siu yoke in the Klang Valley can be found at this kopitiam. Sorry I forgot to take note of the name of the kopitiam! This roast meat stall used to be stationed at Kedai Kopi & Makanan Mooi Mooi (corner lot) but the owner has since moved his stall  to another kopitiam just next door.  He is now occupying the whole kopitiam.  The once dark and rundown shop is now refurbished and transformed into a brightly lit Chinese herbal wholesale business.


mooi mooi, roasted pork, siu yuk, happy garden, thai temple
Same owner (man in blue tee) in different kopitiam  now.
Photo credit: Open Rice

Best in the world melt-in-the-mouth charcoal roasted siu yoke! And this is the owner’s claim to fame! No one else makes such crispy siu yoke that melts in the mouth as him.

But I can’t stomach so much fat and don’t fancy fatty food. After a few pieces of siew yoke and a few pieces of 99% lean char siu, I already felt cloy.  The hubs with a bottomless pit chomped down 2 small plates of siu yoke, 1 small plate of char siu and 1 plate of rice. Patrons are free to help themselves to the gigantic pot of aromatic soup (chicken feet with radish) outside the shop.

Damage today for 2 small plates of siu yoke, 1 small plate of char siu, 1 plate of rice and takeaway char siu, siew yoke and roast chicken with 1 packet rice (enough for 2-3 pax) was RM113.  Pretty reasonable eh?  The bowl of curry noodles was from the kopitiam next door.

Jln Rukun 2, Taman Gembira (Happy Garden)
Old Klang Road
58200 Kuala Lumpur

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