Smoothie Bowl

Drama Queen whipped up a big portion of smoothie bowl for dinner for herself last Sunday.

The vibrantly colored smoothie bowl is composed of: half a frozen banana, home-boiled roselle tea with Manuka honey, frozen organic blueberries and an orange. All these ingredients blitzed.

Toppings: sliced bananas, organic passion fruit cranberry cookies, granola, raw macadamia nuts, organic chia seeds, toasted almonds and organic blueberries.

Have you heard the new thing about smoothies?  You can put them in BOWLS and with the addition of toppings to make them into even more of a complete meal that’s really filling,  nutritious and yummy!

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Staying Cool in the Dredges of Summer

The Summer Transition
After the main summer holidays have passed, it’s common to assume that the weather will begin to transition into temperatures befitting fall. For many, they expect to wake up and head out to work in chilly temperatures. However, just because school has started and summer hours are over, that doesn’t always mean the weather is as cooperating or timely. In fact, the hot temperatures of summer can drag through most of the September month. As such, if your home or business suddenly finds its AC unit isn’t working properly, it may be worth it to have it repaired.

A Comfortable Work Space
AC repair Conroe is especially important in the work place. Maximum productivity is noticed when employees are at their most comfortable. If they’re too hot or too cold, their workflow is interrupted in order to attempt to deal with those temperatures. In the case of hotter temperatures, it can make an employee sick if they don’t continue to hydrate themselves throughout the day. It can also make tempers flare or their patience shorten, and if your employees have to deal with customers on a regular basis, then you want them cool and collected.

repair ac

As such, hiring a professional repair crew is key to a successful work day. The team at Air On Time AC is just such a team to ensure that your AC unit is working at tip-top shape. It can be easy for an inexperienced person to further damage the AC unit or to not even fix the real problem. This inexperience could end up costing you even more money if you need to hire someone else to fix an even bigger problem. As such, you should have the job done right the first time by hiring the experienced team at Air On Time AC.

Your employees, not to mention yourself, will be grateful for the optimal working conditions. To ensure your business is running efficiently, have your AC unit examined.


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