I am in trouble. Serious trouble.
No, I don’t have 1 trillion Ringgit in debts. But I have sleep debts, backlog of work and yet, I can’t keep my eyes away from the news. I try hard not to go to Facebook but my phone is beeping away from my Whatsapp notification on incoming messages. The stream of news trickling in every minute of the day since 9 May 2018 on our very juicy Malaysian politics is SO hard to resist not to read! I was never interested in politics but this time, I am hooked on it! The current Malaysian politics is as thrilling as TVB drama series. Who gets in the Cabinet and who gets kicked out finally (good riddance!) is so exciting!
The entire Malaysia is anxiously waiting for more skeletons to be dug out from the closet, for explanation on how the 1 trillion Ringgit debts came about, on the truth behind Altantuya’s and Kevin Morais’ gruesome murder and much, much more! We can’t wait to see that kleptocrat and his rapacious other half suffer behind bars for all the wrongs and hardship they had inflicted on the Rakyat.
Thankfully the mil is around to cook, else I would be buying takeout dinners or have sandwiches or toasts for dinner everyday as I am too busy to even cook
Nope this is not our lunch or dinner. It’s my breakfast – 2 slices of wholemeal bread slathered with pure butter and papa’s homemade strawberry jam and almond jam, washed down with a packet of antioxidant packed and eye-loving Ningxia Red.
Cass’ breakfast was a Portugese egg tart and a packet of Ningxia Red. This girl who seems to have zilch appetite at 5:30 in the morning (but transforms into a ravenous piranha later in the day) was moaning about how heavy her breakfast was and how she felt like puking after forcing the egg tart down
But I strongly believe in having a good breakfast to fuel the body and mind for the day and satiate unhealthy cravings throughout the day. Once, I agreed to let her go to school without any food in her stomach and what do I know? She came home and told me that she had fleeting blackout moments just before recess. She thought that she was going to faint and quickly bent down, something which I had taught her. There you go girl, told you breakfast is important!! After that incident, no matter how ‘full’ she feels in the morning, I always make sure that she has food in her stomach, even if it’s some unhealthy sweet biscuits. But I always put food that she likes on the table ~ quail eggs, chicken eggs, boiled fish paste, siew mai, cold green tea noodles and savoury bites.
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