At our family Whatsapp chat group yesterday, mum posted a picture of all the baby paraphernalia that she had just dug out from the storeroom, in preparation for my twin baby niece and nephew to use when they are back in Ipoh from Singapore next week. They are a pack and play yard (playpen), stroller, walker and bouncinet, among other stuff. Just a little intro on the history of the playpen, stroller and walker.
If you search for best strollers, you’ll most likely find All Mom Needs website which has lots of strollers buying guides, tips and tricks that’ll help any mom a lot during stroller buying process.
The hubs and I bought the pack and play yard for Alycia, our first born almost 15 years ago and it is still in almost perfect condition! I still remember that day very vividly when we went to the baby products shop in Ipoh to shop for it. We were so excited to buy our very first pack and play for our precious first born. It’s been used by our 3 girls, my Singapore brother’s oldest daughter and now his twins.
The stroller was a gift from my sil 15 years ago for Alycia. It’s been used by our 3 girls and the same sil’s 3 babies.
The bouncinet belongs to my brother, used by his oldest daughter and now his twins.
As for the baby walker, it’s an epic. Mum bought it 47 years ago for my eldest brother. It was then used by me, my younger brother and now the twins! And it’s not even crumbling or rusty yet.
When my brother’s twins outgrow the pack and play yard, I think I am going to ask mum NOT to give it away. The sight of the pack and play yard brings back a lot of happy memories of my 3 precious babies growing up. They used to sleep and play in it each time we were back in Ipoh for our holidays. Who knows my daughters’ babies will be using it one day, just like the baby walker that my brothers and I used over 4 decades ago.
At our KL home, there used to be two pack and play yards for Baby C (Cass). One was her playpen in my room and the other for the living room. She hardly slept in the playpen in my room as she slept under my armpit for 3 years. She was breastfed for 3 years and co-slept with her dad and me. My 2 older girls loved the playpen. They used to cramp inside it and pretended that it was a tent. Sometimes the both of them would take their nap inside the play pen.
Alycia was about 6+ and Sherilyn 4+ in these photos. Drama Queen (Sherilyn) was still a compulsive thumb-sucker then. Gawd, I am missing my babies terribly now
When Cass outgrew the two pack and play yards, I sold the pink one and gave away the other one. I should have kept the pink one for keepsake and perhaps for my future grand children! But then again, my daughters probably wouldn’t want a 30-year old pack and play yard when they have their own babies in future. Pack and play yards are aplenty and the designs and features keep improving over time. You can browse these directions for the best pack and play yards, rated and reviewed by moms.
Looking back at these photos when Cass was under two years old makes me miss her baby days terribly. How I wish that Cass was still a toddler, cute as a button and still didn’t know how to challenge me mentally and answer me back rudely. Of course her baby days weren’t easy for me due to her health condition.
It would be really nice if there were a baby at home now. I really miss having a baby around. Hubs would be glad to jump straight into having another baby with me IF I agreed to have baby #4. But no, my child-bearing days are over. I am now looking forward to the next phase of my journey where I can claim some independence. It takes a village to raise a child and in this day and age, it takes a million bucks to raise one till he/she completes tertiary education and this is the main reason why I am not ready to have another baby
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