Today I had Tosei Rawa for brunch. It’s been a while since I last had it. Drama Queen ordered a Maggie Mee Goreng, much to my objection. But that contriving Drama Queen said “but it’s just once in a while, not like I eat it every day or every week” that I succumbed to her request. See how manipulative this girl is! Well, this will be the last time she gets to eat Maggie Mee Goreng. Read on to find out why.
The food sure looks yummy eh? Yeah it was but not until I saw the workers at work, trying to be hygienic but contaminated the cooked food with toxic chemicals
Worker #1 was trying to repel and kill some cockroaches at the food display section where he whipped out a can of Ridsect. He then sprayed toxic fumes liberally at the food display area and there was no cover / lid on the cooked curries, fried chicken and Briyani rice!! When I thought he was done spraying the floor, he opened up all the doors of the cupboard under the food display unit / warmer and sprayed more chemicals inside.
What made my tummy churn and vowed never ever to patronize this eatery again was when I walked over to the food display area to inspect what the heck the worker was spraying that I saw baby cockroaches crawling on the chopping board for chopping fried chicken.
While worker #1 was busy spraying toxic fumes at the cockroaches with oblivious and unsuspecting patrons eating nearby (expect for me, the ever curious kpc), worker #2, with a bottle of pink color chemical started spraying and wiping all the tables and chairs with the cleaning agent and cloth. With the same cloth that’s not washed, he went to the chiller / fridge where canned drinks and peeled hard boiled eggs are kept to clean the fridge with the pink color liquid cleaner and contaminated cloth. Just when I thought that he was done wiping the exterior of the fridge door, he opened the fridge and sprayed more chemicals on the interior fridge door, with the peeled hard boiled eggs just inches away from the chemicals – and wiped it with the same piece of unwashed cloth that he’s used to wipe the dirty tables and chairs!
Oh. My. Gawd!! That’s it. This will be my last time patronizing this eatery.
This is the problem faced by eateries that are opened 7 days a week, 365 days a year. There is hardly a day for the owners to fumigate the eatery to repel it from pests. I am sure that what I saw today is happening in most eateries which are managed by foreign workers, with little or no training on proper food handling given. And the boss is hardly seen at the outlet to supervise.
This is why cancer is so prevalent as more and more people are exposed to chemical carcinogens everyday, everywhere, even at home when most of us are exposed first thing in the morning ~ from our toothpaste to our personal care products.
Homecooked simple, humble and nutritious food is key to good health and longevity. It’s proven. Remember the 83-year old lady, fit as a fiddle with a mind as sharp as razor, who lives at my condo whom I used to blog about? I learned from her that the secret to her longevity and good health is simple homecooked food, daily exercise and lots of walking. She even takes public transportation to the heart of KL to run her errands. She always tells me that she does not like eating outside food. Something for everyone to ponder on a Monday
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