My Saturday breakfast was with the hubs only. The mil had gone back to Ipoh and the girls had different agenda. Alycia was supposed to have tennis lesson but it rained, so from the tennis court she detoured to the gym. This gym buff can spend up to two hours in the gym almost every day cycling or running on the treadmill but not without a mobile phone in front of her . Drama Queen followed a friend to their old school for sport days training and the littlest brat was grounded. She didn’t finish the test paper that I had asked her to do and exam’s coming and I really meant what I said. I didn’t even pack any food back for her as punishment.
Hubs and I shared this plateful of sinful char koay teow with lap cheong (Chinese sausage).
Today, Cass and I got a full dose of pet therapy. There are two new Samoyed pups at the pet shop who are OMG so so so fluffy and adorable!! Just cannot ‘tahan’ looking at the Samoyed pups. I think it won’t be long before I succumb to the poison and bring one home! It’s true to the saying that as your kids turn into teenagers, it might be a good idea to get yourself a pet who will be happy to see you vs. your teenage kids. Agree?
Sweet sweet poison! Just you wait little fluff ball. One day I will bring you home…
… but only when I have a windfall larger than RM8k. These pups imported from China have a RM8k price tag and the friendly pet shop owner was tempting me with a small discount!!
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have a little puppy would mean additional responsibility, because it is like additional member in the family.
Oh yes. Some pet lovers treat their pet like their child, carrying and bringing them everywhere, including to the coffee shop. And their pet sleep with them on the bed. I don’t think I will be this extreme though