Canyon Spice Curry Roux For Kids

About 2 weeks before the mil was due to return to KL from Hong Kong, she shipped a box of goodies back to us. As per usual practice, she always couriers a BIG box of goodies back to KL after her long vacation traveling the world. That’s the ‘treasure box’ that the girls look forward to each time their grandma comes home from a long overseas vacation. In the treasure box this time was a pack of Canyon Spice Japanese curry roux for kids. Grandma knows that her grand daughters are big  fans of curry.

It was my first time using Canyon Spice curry roux and I found the roux tricky. The roux is not in the form of paste. Instead, it’s rectangular in shape and hard; I thought I had screwed up the meal the moment I opened the box. I thought I shouldn’t have cooked it the way I did. There wasn’t any instruction in English and I had just dumped the entire chunk of roux into the wok to simmer with the seared chicken drumsticks + garlic + onions + water. Thankfully after about 15 minutes or so with constant stirring, the roux dissolved and the sauce thickened. Now it finally looked like Japanese curry, phew!  I did a quick test taste and immediately fell in love with the curry!!

My Japanese kids curry was cooked using drumsticks instead of cubed chicken as I didn’t have sufficient time to cut the chicken into cubes. I always rush off cooking dinner as I have school and tuition runs to do in the evenings.  Instead of potatoes, I used Japanese sweet potatoes, which is a healthier alternative.

And the outcome was a very, very yummy Japanese curry which the girls loved to bits!

Canyon Spice curry roux for kids is sweet and not at all spicy, albeit with the taste of aromatic curry spices.  I added about 1 tablespoon of Baba’s meat curry powder to give the curry a hint of spiciness.

Wok-licking-good ~ that’s how yummy the curry was.  Check out Drama Queen scraping the bottom of the wok for whatever remaining curry sauce that was left 🤣

I have not seen this brand of curry roux at our local supermarkets. It costs about HKD36 per pack in HK. Two days before the mil returned to KL, I quickly Whatsapped my sil to ask her to get us 3 more packs.  TQVM tai kar che for the curry roux, we love it!


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Author: Shireen

I am a WFHM of 3 lovely girls - Alycia, Sherilyn and Cassandra. I am a health, fitness and clean freak. I am a freelance content writer and occasionally help out my other half in his food catering business. I also do product reviews and accept sponsored posts on my blogs. I hope you'll enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy sharing my day-to-day adventures and mostly boring ranting :P Welcome to my blog! :)

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