Grilled Chicken In Lemon Garlic Butter Pumpkin Sauce

Hello to my new favorite grilled chicken in lemony, garlicky, buttery and pumpkin sauce!

This recipe is not what I intended to prep in the first place. I had wanted to prep a lemon garlic and butter sauce for my grilled chicken but I didn’t have any chicken stock with me, thus I used my papa’s pumpkin soup that’s stowed in my freezer. He prepped it for us during his stay with us recently.

When I used the pumpkin soup, I took a risk ~ the sauce could turn out great or end up in the sink. Thankfully the combo was wonderfully paired and  delish! Thank goodness too that the sauce did not curdle on me or turn lumpy. Cass who was initially apprehensive (she hates pumpkin) took a small lick of the sauce and then we both let out a “told you it’s yummy” and “you are right mum, it’s yummy” giggle 😀

Also dished out a cabbage sauted with miso and carrots.


Grilled chicken
Marinate with organic soy sauce, black pepper and garlic powder for at least 2 hours.
Grill at 200C in the oven for 30 minutes (15 minutes each side)

Butter, garlic, lemony sauce
1/2 slab of butter
Chopped garlic – I used half a bulb. Actually, the more the better
Juice of 1 lemon
Zest of 1 lemon
2 to 3 tablespoons of honey
2 tablespoons of multi-purpose flour. I used organic plain and unbleached flour.
Chicken stock OR
Pumpkin soup / puree
Fresh herbs of any kind, chopped

Heat up butter in skillet
Add garlic
Add flour and whisk into a roux
Add in lemon juice, zest and honey
Add in pumpkin soup OR
Gently pour in chicken stock, keep stirring and ensure the sauce does not turn lumpy
Add in the chopped fresh herbs. I used coriander.

Pumpkin puree / soup
Cook 1 whole pumpkin with some garlic, onions and ginger.
Add chicken breast (optional)
Blend using hand blender.

Grilled chicken dinner with a perfect sauce for it along with conquering kitchen fears and rushing out to do school and tuition runs.  This was done on a hectic Friday evening 🙂

No. of times viewed = 78

Author: Shireen

I am a WFHM of 3 lovely girls - Alycia, Sherilyn and Cassandra. I am a health, fitness and clean freak. I am a freelance content writer and occasionally help out my other half in his food catering business. I also do product reviews and accept sponsored posts on my blogs. I hope you'll enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy sharing my day-to-day adventures and mostly boring ranting :P Welcome to my blog! :)

2 thoughts on “Grilled Chicken In Lemon Garlic Butter Pumpkin Sauce”

  1. Hi, for some reason I can’t post on your other blog, just this one. Have another cheater way for meatballs; nuke them in the microwave! I sometimes half cook them if they are going into a sauce right away to be cooked fully. And if making pork meatballs, adding grated apple is also good, and add sage if u have some.
    Also have to thank you for the info on the delay getting out of Singapore. I’ll be there in Apr/ May and was thinking of taking the bus, but not anymore! Told my husband and he booked us on SIA, business class, just for 40 mins! 😆 A bit of a waste but he is using points, so no big deal!

    1. Hey Chris
      Thanks for the tips on meatballs. Grated apple sounds good!
      Good decision on taking a flight to Spore. So nice of your hubby!
      It will be troublesome to take a bus to Singapore as passengers on buses have to get down from the bus and carry all their luggage (up the escalator) at the CIQ Complex. The buses will drop off the passengers by the side of the CIQ and there is a 5 minute walk to the complex. We did just that as we took a big van (smaller vans excluded) and had to lug all our heavy luggage + diapers and milk powder that my parents bought for the twins. What an experience for us.
      If you travel during non-peak periods, i.e. not during the school hols and not during public hols, the traffic will be pretty smooth ~ around 5 hours from KL to Spore.

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