My Breakfast – 10 October 2017

On a rare school day morning, I skipped exercising today. For those who know me well will know that I hardly ever skip my morning exercise, unless I am feeling really debilitated like a chicken with the pip. My morning exercise is my jam, a time where I do my soul-searching and meditation. It wasn’t because I was lazy or demotivated. Blame it on the rain and a slight headache I got since yesterday. My body must be working hard to fight off the bugs that Drama Queen had picked up from school.  And because of the rain, I found a very valid reason to crawl back onto bed after sending off Cass and Drama Queen to the transporter and took an hour nap thereafter, complete with dreams, hehe!

After I got up from my nap, I did some house chores, then had my main breakfast. My first breakfast of the day has always been apple cider vinegar with honey and psyllium musk, some fruits and a glass of decaff coffee with skim milk.

My main breakfast today consists of bitter gourd omelette with a squeeze of Zoosh 1000 Island Zingy Tomato Cocktail dressing, a mug of Marmite soup, a packet of Izumio hydrogen water and half a wedge of Musang King durian snowskin mooncake from Dureeca.

Pocotee & friends Musang King durian frosty mooncake from Dureeca –  sweetness is just right, snowskin is super soft with melt-in-your-mouth texture and the Musang King durian filling is generous. The second you sink your teeth into this luxurious mooncake, the durian filling made from real Musang King durian flesh and tastes 99% like fresh durian will ooze out from the snowskin *swoon*

The box of Dureeca Durian King mooncakes are packaged beautifully in a classy box that comes with a limited edition gold cooling bag.  Click here to find out where you can purchase this indulgent Frosty Musang King Mooncake

And my confession of the day: I wolfed down the entire durian mooncake yesterday.

Dear skies, you better not rain in my parade tomorrow morning for I am hell-bent on running 40 minutes to melt away those Musang King durian swooshing in my tummy.

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Healthy Diet

If working out and not eating your favorite treats doesn’t seem to pay off in your weight loss efforts, you may need to change a few habits. Exercise and making healthier eating choices are essential practical tips for weight management Nevada. Yet for many people, losing weight is not the problem. Keeping the pounds off is most challenging.

A vast majority manage to gain weight back within a few months or years. Still, all is not lost. With just a few simple lifestyle changes, your seemingly heroic efforts can lead to losing those extra pounds long-term.

Don’t Skip Meals
A reflexive response to losing weight is to avoid eating all together. Breakfast is the number one meal people incorrectly forego. While this may seem like a good solution, it actually works against any weight loss efforts. Three meals per day are essential because food fuels your body to work properly. Healthy snacks between meals are also important to manage your weight.


Eat Most Calories Early in Your Day
Because your body is a fuel-burning engine, it is a good idea to eat most calories during the first half of your day. Doing this can help you keep hunger under control and avoid those late night snack runs. Besides, you are most active during the day, which means you can burn calories that would otherwise go to sleep with you at night when you begin to feel sluggish.

plate lunch pork ginger and eggs

Eat Smaller Portions
Just because your body burns more calories during the day, this does not mean you should eat heavy meals. Stay calorie conscious about how much you are consuming as much as what you choose to eat.

Ideally, one-quarter of your plate should include a lean protein. Add unrefined grains to another quarter. The remaining half should consist of colorful vegetables.

Get a Double Dose of Fiber
Some people fail to consume the recommended daily dose of fiber. A good way to boost your amount of fiber is to eat whole wheat instead of white rice or pasta. Breads and cereals high in fiber are more good sources. You fill up faster when eating fiber, which helps to curb your hunger so you eat less.

With these and other lifestyle changes, it is equally important to be patient with yourself. Gaining weight is easier than losing, but it is not impossible. In time, your cravings for a successful weight level will override poor food choices. You will begin to see and feel confidence boosting results that improve your health.

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How Can I Help My Children Get And Remain Healthy?

If you want the best for your children, know that teaching them how to be healthy can be the precursor to ensuring that they lead extraordinary lives. This is the case because great health promotes high self-esteem, mood stability, productivity, and numerous other outcomes that are conducive to growth in one’s personal life as well as the professional sector. If you’re ready to help your child begin attaining all of the wonderful outcomes that can be generated by great health, be sure to implement some or all of the following techniques:

1. Talk About Nutrition Regularly
Food plays a huge role in facilitating or detracting from your child’s health. As such, it’s important that you regularly engage your son or daughter in meaningful conversations regarding what food is and how it operates in your body. Be sure to continually point your child towards healthy foods and ask them specific questions about their diet such as “How did you feel after you ate that apple?” or “Did those potato chips make you feel energetic or lethargic?” Asking these probing questions will play a key role in helping your child think critically about nutrition!

healthy breakfast

2. Emphasize The Importance Of Exercise
In addition to talking to your child about nutrition, make sure that you encourage her or him to cultivate an active lifestyle. This technique is important because research studies have indicated that children who exercise regularly perform better in school. Regular physical activity is also linked to children having greater body awareness and inner confidence. The great outcomes of exercise don’t end there. Consistent engagement in physical activity is also linked to boosted immunity and better sleep.


Make sure that your child understands that there are several options when it comes to forms of physical activity. Then present them with specific examples such as riding their bicycle through the neighborhood, joining a basketball team, or swimming at the local clubhouse!

3. Let The Professionals Assist You
In some cases, the key to helping your child get and remain healthy is attaining assistance from medical professionals. This step may prove important and advantageous in the event that your child is struggling with a serious issue such as behavioral problems. If you’re seeking a behavioral health Tampa FL facility, note that the professionals of Engage Behavioral Health can assist you.

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Help Your Children Now!
If you want your child to lead an extraordinary life, now is the time to provide her or him with the strategies, suggestions, and solutions necessary to make physical and mental well-being a daily reality. Utilize some or all of the tips outlined above to ensure that your children can begin to look and feel their very best!

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