I had written in my blogs many times before. I am anti-antibiotics. I saw how it wrecked my daughters’ immune system. Being a new mum 14 years ago, I listened obediently to the pediatricians who treated my eldest child by conveniently prescribing her with antibiotics for flu and throat infection. Consequently, she was constantly ill from the year she started pre-school at 3 years old until she was 6. I saw how the UTI-causing bacteria in Cass’ body got resistant to all the antibiotics to the point where her pediatric nephrologist told me to stop giving her antibiotics.
It was through my years of experience as a mother that I learned from my own extensive reading from the internet on how antibiotics can wreck our system. And this is why now, I am against the use of antibiotics on myself and on my daughters unless it is a matter of life and death, like what happened to Cass in November 2015 when she had a bout of serious UTI attack which caused high fever and flank pain and needed hospitalization with strong antibiotics drips and oral antibiotics. Post hospitalization, she was very prone to getting colds. And the UTI came back every six weeks. Yes, the bacteria were that smart (those that were not destroyed by the antibiotics and went into hiding behind the bladder walls). They came out to attack her urinary tract when the conditions were conducive and multiplied at amazing speeds. I tracked the timing of those UTI attacks and found out that they would strike every six weeks. But I found a way of eliminating those pesky bacteria and it was tough. I needed to put Cass on a very regimented lifestyle and diet. I sacrificed my sleep and woke up every 3-4 hourly to make sure that she pees and is fed with Izumio and D-Mannose. I went to school several times in a week just to check on her. I spoke to all her teachers on her medical condition. I did this for over a year. And it has exhausted me to the point I told Cass that I feel half my life has been snatched away from the lack of sleep, worry, stress and ensuring that she follows the strict regimen. Some of Cass’ friends and even my friends commented that I am too protective over her but they would never know what I have been going through with Cass. So stop judging if you’ve not been in my shoes yet.
It’s been over half a year since the last UTI attack and I am very, very, very ‘pantang’ and paranoid to even comment about this, lest Cass gets another UTI attack soon. My right eye lid has been twitching lately, shit!! Not a day goes by where I do not worry about the next UTI attack. The supplements (Super Lutein) that I am giving Cass has been very helpful in preventing a UTI attack. Super Lutein contains carotenoids, which are known to prevent inflammation. Cass can feel the difference after taking Super Lutein and she would ask to pop the capsule twice a day.
Lately, I have stopped waking up at 2 a.m. to bring Cass to pee. The lack of sleep has taken a great toll on my health. The fibroid in my uterus is growing and it’s been causing me very heavy periods. As a result, I am anemic. The acupunturist and herbalist whom I am seeing has advised me to stop waking up in the wee hours of the morning. She told me that our liver repairs between 1-3am each day and it is during this hour that I have been waking up every night for the past 1 year+. Our liver is our body’s primary detoxifier. So keeping it healthy is very crucial to our overall health, including metabolism and function of our hormones. Fibroids are controlled by hormones (estrogen). If our hormones are imbalanced, the fibroid will grow. For the past 1 week, I have stopped waking up at 2 a.m. I sleep at 11 p.m. and wake up at 5 a.m. to bring Cass to the toilet. Then I go about with my daily morning chores before I wake the girls up at 6 a.m. for school. 6 hours of sleep is still NOT sufficient for me. I need at least 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep to feel good the next day.
My main reason of writing this post is to share with you a blog post I read today. It’s from a woman whose life and health are ruined after she took an antibiotics for a UTI attack. You can read the post here
The next time your doctor prescribes you with antibiotics, ask if you can avoid taking it.
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