My 44th Birthday – 29 March 2017

It was a low-key celebration again as it was on a school day and the girls have school the next morning. We went to a nearby Japanese restaurant for dinner and then went home for the cake-cutting and camwhoring thingy.

Drama Queen trying her hand at strumming ‘Happy Birthday’ with the ukulele. She’s been attending ukulele classes in school for about 1 month.

It was CoCo day in school;  Cass and Drama Queen came home at 4ish pm. The moment she stepped into the house, Drama Queen presented her gifts to me in a ‘dramatic’ way — first she gave me a thinly wrapped and slim present, which was a straw. When I said “What, a straw?!”, she then gave me a saucy grin (this girl is full of tricks up her sleeves), sauntered to her room and came out with the second gift, which is a mason jar cup.  When we were at Daiso a few days ago, she had discreetly bought them for me!

Drama Queen also prepared a ‘fruit’ cake for me comprising of dragon fruit, guava, straberries and kiwi, ‘creamed’ with sugar-free yoghurt. But I was feeling bloated yesterday and told her that I could not whack the ‘fruit’ cake down. Full of ideas, this fella then chucked the entire ‘cake’ into the Blentec blender and whizzed out a refreshing dragon fruit smoothie. She poured it into the new mason jar cup and I gulped down half a cup.

The chocolate chip banana cupcakes are baked by the mil.

I received a surprise birthday present from my man. It’s a set of DKNY perfume 😁😍  And Cass commented “daddy loves to buy you perfume, yeah mummy?


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Long Silence

Hellooooo everyone! Sorry for the long silence. I’ve been spending days fixing the unloadable photos in my blogs AGAIN.  Darn it, this is happening too often. As I was fixing one of the old posts, I  read that the last time this happened was on 20 August 2016.  I then checked back my most recent pictures and found out that they are all not loading in my blogs too! In total, I have to fix the photos for 17 months (Nov 2015 through March 2017) for my 3 blogs totalling thousands of photos! I am fuming!!   This confirms that I cannot upload the pictures in Facebook and copy the pictures to my blogs.   Pictures uploaded in Facebook are not compatible with blog settings. Thus, I am now using another way of uploading the photos before importing them to my blogs.  Miss Cheapskate here ain’t going to pay photo hosting sites, thus going through all these trouble.  Since Monday, I have been putting the photos back into each post, one by one.  So much precious time has been wasted doing this!

Anyway, I am trying hard not to stress myself too much over this disaster, though it will take me weeks to resolve. Stress is only going to mess up my body and spur the growth of the fibroid. I’m going to chillax, drown myself with Izumio, enjoy my cuppa ginger + lemon grass + green lemon tonic, enjoy a body massage on my Osim uJolly massage chair while I am at it and walk down memory lane reading all my old posts again 🙂

Below – my cup of pure Bentong ginger powder + ginger brown sugar cube + organic lemon grass powder + organic green lemon powder health tonic.

Can you view the 2 photos?



No. of times viewed = 8

Times Are Bad

Yesterday I witnessed a thief who was handcuffed by police. That was my very first time witnessing a criminal being apprehended  by policemen.

As I was entering the supermarket with Alycia, we saw the thief sitting on the stairs leading to the supermarket with a policeman each on his sides guarding him. His hands were at his rear and handcuffed. Minutes later, the police car arrived. There were many policemen there and some were holding rifles. The petty thief was being shoved into the car by the policeman.  For a moment, I felt sorry for the thief. He was scrawny and feeble. I heard from a juice promoter at the supermarket that he was caught on CCTV trying to steal food. I felt sorry that he had to resort to stealing food. It could be for his kid or himself.  No way am I condoning a crime ok. But I just felt sorry that someone has to resort to stealing food to curb hunger, knowing the consequences that he has to face should he be caught. The whole scene looked like a very serious crime but it was only a petty theft.  Some people are still treated with respect and pomp though they had committed  much bigger crimes but sadly they are untouchable and unquestionable.

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I could not believe my eyes when this morning, less than 24 hours after witnessing a petty crime, I saw another petty crime taking place right in front of my eyes and less than 20 meters away from the crime scene of yesterday!  As I was driving my car into the parking area to have breakfast at our regular coffee shop, I saw the owner of a mini mart hitting a guy. The guy sped off in lightning speed by foot to the main road. I heard the mini mart owner telling the parking attendant nearby that the thief was trying to steal something from his mart.

A few days ago, a friend’s friend was a victim of a traumatic daylight robbery. When her car was at the traffic lights, a robber smashed her car window, then smashed her head and grabbed her handbag.

Times are really bad. We are feeling the effect of it too. To everyone reading this post, be extra vigilant whenever you are out and about. Do not be the next victim.


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This Antibiotic Will Ruin You

I had written in my blogs many times before. I am anti-antibiotics. I saw how it wrecked my daughters’ immune system. Being a new mum 14 years ago, I listened obediently to the pediatricians who treated my eldest child by conveniently prescribing her with antibiotics for flu and throat infection. Consequently, she was constantly ill from the year she started pre-school at 3 years old until she was 6.  I saw how the UTI-causing bacteria in Cass’ body got resistant to all the antibiotics to the point where her pediatric nephrologist told me to stop giving her antibiotics.

It was through my years of experience as a mother that I learned from my own extensive reading from the internet on how antibiotics can wreck our system. And this is why now, I am against the use of antibiotics on myself and on my daughters unless it is a matter of life and death, like what happened to Cass in November 2015 when she had a bout of serious UTI attack which caused high fever and flank pain and needed hospitalization with strong antibiotics drips and oral antibiotics.  Post hospitalization, she was very prone to getting colds. And the UTI came back every six weeks. Yes, the bacteria were that smart (those that were not destroyed by the antibiotics and went into hiding behind the bladder walls). They came out to attack her urinary tract when the conditions were conducive and multiplied at amazing speeds. I tracked the timing of those UTI attacks and found out that they would strike every six weeks. But I found a way of eliminating those pesky bacteria and it was tough. I needed to put Cass on a very regimented lifestyle and diet. I sacrificed my sleep and woke up every 3-4 hourly to make sure that she pees and is fed with Izumio and D-Mannose.  I went to school several times in a week just to check on her. I spoke to all her teachers on her medical condition.  I did this for over a year. And it has exhausted me to the point I told Cass that I feel half my life has been snatched away from the lack of sleep, worry, stress and ensuring that she follows the strict regimen. Some of Cass’ friends and even my friends commented that I am too protective over her but they would never know what I have been going through with Cass. So stop judging if you’ve not been in my shoes yet.

It’s been over half a year since the last UTI attack and I am very, very, very ‘pantang’ and paranoid to even comment about this, lest Cass gets another UTI attack soon. My right eye lid has been twitching lately, shit!! Not a day goes by where I do not worry about the next UTI attack. The supplements (Super Lutein) that I am giving Cass has been very helpful in preventing a UTI attack. Super Lutein contains carotenoids, which are known to prevent inflammation.  Cass can feel the difference after taking Super Lutein and she would ask to pop the capsule twice a day.

Lately, I have stopped waking up at 2 a.m. to bring Cass to pee.  The lack of sleep has taken a great toll on my health. The fibroid in my uterus is growing and it’s been causing me very heavy periods. As a result, I am anemic.  The acupunturist and herbalist whom I am seeing has advised me to stop waking up in the wee hours of the morning.  She told me that our liver repairs between 1-3am each day and it is during this hour that I have been waking up every night for the past 1 year+.  Our liver is our body’s primary detoxifier. So keeping it healthy is very crucial to our overall health, including metabolism and function of our hormones. Fibroids are controlled by hormones (estrogen). If our hormones are imbalanced, the fibroid will grow. For the past 1 week, I have stopped waking up at 2 a.m.  I sleep at 11 p.m. and wake up at 5 a.m.  to bring Cass to the toilet. Then I go about with my daily morning chores before I wake the girls up at 6 a.m. for school. 6 hours of sleep is still NOT sufficient for me. I need at least 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep to feel good the next day.

My main reason of writing this post is to share with you a blog post I read today. It’s from a woman whose life and health are ruined after she took an antibiotics for a UTI attack.  You can read the post here

The next time your doctor prescribes you with antibiotics, ask if you can avoid taking it.

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Amazing Healthy Snacks From Amazin’ Graze

I received my much-awaited goodies from Amazin’ Graze a few days ago. They are two flavors of granola (salted gula Melaka and hazelnut blackforest), zesty maple glazed nut mix and a bottle of ABC (almond, brazil nut, cashew) butter. All are droolicious! 😋👍

When our girls got home from school, they darted straight into the kitchen to forage for food (as usual!). Their sharp eyes spotted something new at the counter top. After getting permission from me, they ripped open the packet of salted gula melaka granola and oh my, they almost finished the packet of addictive granola.  For once, they fell in love with granola. They are not fans of oats and granola but they love Amazin’s granola!   What makes Amazin’ Graze’s range of granola stand out from other imported brands of granola is that the granola is very fresh, super crunchy (swoon!), nutty and ADDICTIVE!

Below – The salted gula Melaka granola has just the right tinge of saltiness, sweetness and every single piece of oat, cluster and nut inside is oh so crunchy!

I like the granola eaten on its own to get the best out of its crunchiness. This morning I sprinkled some crunchy granola clusters on my chilled overnight organic oats, threw in some crunchy zesty maple glazed assorted nuts and fresh Korean strawberries.  This baby has all the tastes and textures in a cup – from sweet to salty, milky, nutty, zesty, crunchy and fruity.  So yummy, refreshing and filled me up until lunch.

Amazin’ Graze’s crunchy granola clusters are baked fresh daily and packed with superfoods. Each flavour is uniquely delicious and nutritious!  Price is priced reasonably between RM18.90 – RM29.90  for a 250g pack.  There is also a gluten-free range priced at RM22.90 for a 250g pack.

Amazin’ Graze’s ABC butter is another amazing healthy product. Toasty almonds, creamy cashews and earthy brazil nuts team up in this rich and delicious nut butter medley. Stone-ground and natural with no added salt, sugar, or oil, this butter is healthy and harmonious in flavour and nutrition. Use it as a spread, to add creaminess to cereals, as a dip for fruits and vegetables…or just eat it on its own!

Check out Amazin’ Graze’s other amazing nutty butters at their website.

Here’s my creation with Amazin’ Graze’s ABC butter…

ABC butter on crackers topped with crunchy zesty  maple glazed assorted nuts and juicy sweet Korean strawberry, yums!

Our girls are already bugging me to place an order for more granola and nuts from Amazin’ Graze. Snacking on granola and nuts is way healthier than biscuits, ice-creams and cakes.  I don’t mind stocking up our pantry with healthy snacks for our three perpetually hungry piranhas (that’s what the hubs calls them) 😆

To order these amazing healthy snacks, all you need to do is hop over to register online at and receive RM10 off your first online purchase!

Shipping for Amazin’ Graze’s products are RM6 across the whole of Malaysia. You can earn free shipping for delivery to major cities for orders above RM50.

You’ll be truly amazed with Amazin’ Graze’s range of healthy snacks when you are shopping at their website. Happy grazing 🙂

No. of times viewed = 61

Hungry As A Bear

When our girls come home from school each day, the first thing on their mind is to dart into the kitchen. Acting like inspectors, they inspect every nook and corner, every pot and pan on the stove and every drawer to see what’s in for them. Still in their uniform and socks, any cooked food will be quickly noshed down, as if to suppress the hunger pang first before they move on to the bathroom to have a quick wash up. Then they sit comfortably at the dining table with their fruits, the main meal (again) and a good book on hand to continue their lunch.

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It must be the supplements (Super Lutein) that they pop everyday that make them as hungry as bears!

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Caught on camera in action…

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Our girls are always famished when they return from school, every single time. I would be very worried if they come home and tell me that they are not hungry. This would mean that they are unwell.

Are your kids like this too?


No. of times viewed = 11

Time-Table For Kids

I have never really made in mandatory to impose a time-table for the girls at home. But of late, someone has been spending too much time on her i-gadget which pisses me off. I told her dad about it yet again, who gave her another pep talk (on same issue again!); and he said she could continue to hold the said i-gadget on condition that a time-table must be drawn out and abided to. And my condition to the girl is the i-gadget must be out of her bedroom and into my bedroom by 9:30pm every night. The girl ain’t happy about this whole thing at all but a mum has to do what’s right but seem unpleasant, period.

After she drew up her time-table, the other 2 sisters followed suit and drew up their own time-table. That is why it is so important for the oldest child to set good examples coz the other siblings are watching. Monkey see monkey do.

Cass has been very serious about her time-table (thank God for that!). But she has an ulterior motive!  She wants half an hour of screen time on her phone or iPad everyday! I am fine with this as long as she finishes her school homework, tuition homework, my BM homework for her and piano must be practised daily. After all, everyone needs to do something that he/she likes to de-stress. She did a draft on her own time-table and I make sure that she follows it. On the first day of using her time-table, Cass was late for bed by half an hour. On the second day, which was yesterday, she was 15 minutes late for bed but lesser time was wasted on dawdling. She was working very fast and she did things without having being told. If she’s late, she would have to forgo her screen time.  Her piano piece was also played perfectly well yesterday, even without me standing next to her guiding her or me hollering to her “B flat, F sharp, rest, timing…!!”  from afar 👏👍

Today is CoCo day at school and she came home late. As of typing this post, she’s at the table doing her school homework. I’ll see if she can still meet the timeline on the timetable.

When I attended a parents’ briefing at Cass’ orientation day 3 years ago, I remember that the parents-students-adviser stressed that without a time-table, a student is less likely to excel, whether academically or in extra CoCo activity. This adviser has 2 kids who are state swimmers with intensive training everyday and yet are in the top class.  I think this is so true. Without a time-table, there is no target to meet and a child tends to dawdle on unimportant things. They tend to sleep late and have trouble waking up in the morning. Ideally, I want my girls to have 8 hours of sleep each day.  Numerous studies have shown the importance of sleep and the effect sleep deprivation can have on our brains. It is well-known that poor sleep patterns can contribute to lack of attention, memory loss and such brain disorders as Alzheimer’s and dementia. A lack of shut eye also shrinks the size of the brain.

Do you set a time-table for your school-going kids at home? Do you ensure that they follow it?

Pix below – a mesmerizing rainbow stretched out beautifully on the sky after a very heavy downpour yesterday evening.

Some where over the rainbow – can you spot KL Tower and KLCC? 🌈

Oh yes, did you manage to catch a glimpse of the super huge orange moon for the past few nights? It was even bigger than the super moon that we saw from our side several months ago.

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Our Sunday – 12 March 2017

After church service, we had lunch at Paradise Dynasty @ Pearl Point Shopping Gallery.  Xiao Long Bao is Paradise Dynasty’s signature and award-winning dish.  The xiao long boas sure are droolicious but are a tad pricey.  The innovative 8-flavor / color ones (picture below) are priced at RM29 a set.   There was a good crowd at the restaurant – this goes to show that when it comes to food, we Malaysians are really a generous lot. We really don’t mind paying to fill up our tummies with delectable grub despite the current economic scenario in our country. My connoisseur hubs falls into this category but definitely not me, haha!

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After a sumptuous lunch, we went to Popular Bookstore. That’s our main intention of going to this mall – to get workbooks for Drama Queen who is sitting for her UPSR exam in 5 months (wish it’s 15 months!) and reference books for Alycia.

Next up was an exciting dessert time at Take Eat Easy Modern Bakery & Cafe. This cafe serves up a panoply of gastronomy selections for your ultimate satisfaction; starting from all day breakfast choices, freshly baked breads, pizzas and pastries, multi-cuisine courses, garden salads, sandwiches to gelato for the sweet toothed.  Take Eat Easy opened their outlet at Pearl Shopping Gallery late last year after their successful and booming maiden branch in Kepong.

Below – British Breakfast Set (hello carbs!)…

Below – fresh juice served in a cute light bulb bottle. I love the denim prints on their plates.  Take Eat Easy focuses on classic yet contemporary style in its interior design, i.e. wood and denim. Their chair seats are wrapped in denim fabric with eye-catching prints of your denim pants!

Below – crispy waffle served with fresh cream, strawberries and ice-cream (swoon)!


On our way home, we made a stop at Le Point to grab some gourmet bread loaves and buns for the girls’ breakkie the next day.


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Silly Girl

Today I was totally thunderstruck when Cass told me that she wore her PE t-shirt that her friend had dropped on the school’s wet and dirty toilet floor!  If you are a product of Malaysia’s public schools, you will know just how dirty, wet and stinky these toilets are. Totally disgusting.

Cass had asked her bestie to follow her to the toilet to change into their PE t-shirt in the morning. After she had passed her PE t-shirt to her friend to hold, her friend dropped it on the stinky floor!  For fear of getting punished by the PE teacher for not wearing PE attire, Cass wore the stinky and wet t-shirt anyway. Oh. My. GAWD!! I get crazy thinking just how she could have worn the stinky and wet t-shirt!! There must have been some rocks in her head!

I gave Cass a long lecture on how she has to use her discretion and her brain to think when situations like these happen.  I told her that she has to learn to speak up and have the guts to tell her teachers of what happened.  She ain’t going to wear a t-shirt smeared with shit just to avoid being punished. She has to learn to speak up for her rights. I hope she has learnt a lesson today.

Below – Cass admiring a mini waterfall created from rain water flowing down gutters, during a thunderstorm at our condo yesterday evening.

 new years eve backdrops// new years eve backdrop diy


No. of times viewed = 2

Cabinets For A Kid-Friendly Kitchen

When you have children in the home, you need cabinets that are rather difficult to get into but not at such a level that older children feel that they can’t make their own decisions about what to get to eat. There are a few modifications that you can make to the kitchen cabinets St Louis companies work with and install.

toddler in kitchen

One of the ideas for a family-friendly kitchen is to install the cabinets above the counters. Younger children usually can’t climb that far, and older children will usually still be able to reach the cabinets if they want a snack after school or if they are responsible for getting the dishes to set the table. Instead of a kitchen and dining area that is separate from the rest of the home, consider making it a multi-purpose room. You’ll need to keep the appliances separate in most instances, but you could easily blend a comfortable living room with a dining room so that children can be watched while they are near cabinets.

As you look at the cabinets, think about the age of the home and the overall style. You want the space to flow, so it’s best to work with the basic layout. If the cabinets are on the lower level of the room, then think about remodeling them so that they roll out for more space inside and to make it easier to store items and organize the things that you need. Add locks to the cabinets so that children can’t open them.

The hardware on the cabinets is another issue to consider. Handles and knobs that are appealing to children might make them want to open the cabinets more often, but this design can also have its benefits. It will create a modern look to the home, but it can also make it easier to lock the cabinets in place, especially if you have a handle with a straight design. The kitchen cabinets should bring a simple look to the home that also brings out your personality while still offering safety for children who are in the home.

No. of times viewed = 9

After School Snacks

Wednesdays are CoCo (CoCurricular) days. Drama Queen and Cass will be home late, at around 4ish pm. Whenever they are back from school, they look and behave like feral dogs — they will dart straight to the kitchen to check every nook and corner in search for food.  At the sight of food, they will stuff them quickly into their mouths, as if they have not eaten for days! Don’t get me wrong. They bring food to school everyday. I feed them well.

Below – Cass’ snacks after CoCo yesterday (Wednesday). She had a packet of Izumio hydrogen water, papaya, a piece of ginger + spice biscuit, grandma’s fresh-from-the-oven palm sugar butter and almond meal cup cake and  a mug of sugar-free Hershey’s cocoa milk. She walloped all these down and 2 hours later, she had a heavy dinner!


My girls are growing up really fast. They are no longer the little ones that need coaxing to finish the food. Drama Queen has come a long way. For 6 years of her life, I had to endure with her storing food in her mouth at every meal. On some nights, she would sit at the dining table from 6 – 10pm struggling to finish her bowl of rice + dishes; often she fell asleep at the dining table with food still stored in her mouth. Now, she is the champion of the 3 girls when it comes to eating.

With 3 fast growing girls, the dishes on the dining table are ALWAYS polished off clean. And I have to replenish the stockpile of  snacks in the pantry every SINGLE DAY.

Honey, now you know why I have to do grocery shopping every single day!! 🍗🍕🍔🍎🍏🍒🍖🍱 🙀


No. of times viewed = 8

How Do I Care For My Eyes?

I  received my pair of blue light blocking eye glasses from Naturally Plus today! As I am typing this post at my desktop computer now, I am wearing the glasses to block blue light from damaging my precious assets. I can really see the difference–with the anti-blue light glasses on, my eyes do not get tired and strained easily from the glare of the monitor.  I really need to take good care of my eyes as I want them to be in tip top condition for as long as I live.

I am turning 44 years old this year and currently, I am doing everything that I can to prevent age-related macular degeneration (AMD) of my eyes. Here’s what I am doing to preserve the health of my eyes:

1. Take Super Lutein
2. Wear anti blue light eye glasses whenever I use the computer
3. Try to get sufficient rest and sleep (trying real hard!)
4. Exercise
5. Eat a healthy diet

What is age-related macular degeneration?
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is one of the leading causes of blindness in the developed world. AMD is a disease associated with aging that gradually destroys sharp, central vision. Central vision is needed for seeing objects clearly and for common daily tasks such as reading and driving.

Blue light exposure may increase the risk of macular degeneration.
The fact that blue light penetrates all the way to the retina (the inner lining of the back of the eye) is important, because laboratory studies have shown that too much exposure to blue light can damage light-sensitive cells in the retina. This causes changes that resemble those of macular degeneration, which can lead to permanent vision loss. Although more research is needed to determine how much natural and man-made blue light is “too much blue light” for the retina, many eye care providers are concerned that the added blue light exposure from computer screens, smartphones and other digital devices might increase a person’s risk of macular degeneration later in life.

Protecting Your Eyes With Lutein, The Eye Vitamin.  
Lutein is one of two major carotenoids found as a color pigment in the human eye (macula and retina). It is thought to function as a light filter, protecting the eye tissues from sunlight damage. Lutein is called a carotenoid vitamin. It is related to beta-carotene and vitamin A. Foods rich in lutein include broccoli, spinach, kale, corn, orange pepper, kiwi fruit, grapes, orange juice, zucchini, and squash. Lutein is absorbed best when it is taken with a high-fat meal.

Tips for Protecting Eye Health and Preventing Macular Degeneration
These suggestions may help protect vision and improve your overall health, and some may lower the risk of developing AMD. Even if you already have AMD, continue these healthy habits:

  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Eat a nutritious diet that includes green leafy vegetables, yellow and orange fruit, fish and whole grains.
  • Don’t smoke.
  • Maintain normal blood pressure and control other medical conditions.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Wear sunglasses and hats when you are outdoors.
  • Get regular eye exams, and consult your doctor if you notice vision changes.

The anti-blue light eye glasses from Naturally Plus cost RM30 a pair and does not require prescription. The lenses are tinted light brown so they can absorb and cut blue light. You can get similar eye glasses from eyewear shops and some pharmacies sell them too.

If you want to try Super Lutein, Japan’s no. 1 supplement for eyes, I can help you get hold of it. Just email me at or Whatsapp / call 019 266 4290.

Treat your eyes with tender loving care. It is never too early to start caring for them.

No. of times viewed = 20

Homecooked Lunch – 6 March 2017

“What’s for lunch today?”  This is the question that the mil and I would ask each other every morning. Whenever we  shrug our shoulders implying a non-verbal “no to outside food”, she would be quick to suggest home cooked food. Then she would stride to the kitchen to defrost meat and hurriedly whip up a few simple yet most tasteful dishes. Thank goodness she finds so much pleasure cooking unlike me, who finds cooking a chore 😖

This is our lunch today, which the mil efficiently whipped up in under an hour:

Sauteed pork strips with homegrown basil and jar choy (preserved vegetable) and sauteed leek flowers with fish cakes. Cass’ bowl of rice has so much dishes that  the rice is  hardly visible. Her appetite is always voracious and it’s such a joy to see her nosh down her food.  She washed down her lunch with a packet of Izumio 👍

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Fruit of the day for today is papaya and guava. She eats her fruits before the main meal.

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What do you usually  have for lunch? Home cooked or easy way out takeout?

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Our Friday – 4 March 2017

Friday evenings are reserved for the big girl. After picking her up from the Math tuition center, we would jaunt off to the pasar malam if it doesn’t rain. She’s a pretty simple girl who finds gratification taking long walks at the pasar malam, stopping at all her favorite stalls to get her favorite street food. These are the stalls that I have been patronizing for over 20 years in our neighborhood.  Her favorite is the look look van where we could end up spending over RM10 per person just on fish balls, pork balls and an assortment of balls, which ain’t the healthiest choice of food. But look look is only an occasional indulgence. Our weekly indulgence is popiah, sweet corn, apam and crispy apam balik with coconut, creamy sweet corn and groundnuts. Once in a blue moon, I’ll give them a treat of assam laksa and nasi lemak with deep fried chicken (swoon!).

This pic was taken at the pasar malam today. She was enjoying her piece of crispy apam balik while waiting for our popiah… while I gingerly stood behind her and stole this picture of her ha ha!

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At home, a big pot of seafood porridge was awaiting us! It’s a melting pot of organic quinoa, millet, rice, flower crabs, garoupa fish, squids, lala clams, lean pork for the added sweetness and chopped aromatic coriander and scallions. So yummy!!

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Just 5 days ago, the mil cooked seafood porridge too.  Cass had a raging fever of 41 degrees Celsius and could not eat the crabs. Today she’s all well  and it’s payback time. She noshed the crabs to her heart’s content.

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Cass says “nah, this crab leg is for you!”

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A daily feast for our eyes – view of KL Tower and KLCC from our unit. I took this pic as tonight’s sky is exceptionally clear; and both KL Tower and KLCC illuminated in luminous lights against the black backdrop of the night are truly a sight to behold. I like KL Tower the most when it’s illuminated with dazzling blinking floodlights of rainbow colors.

No automatic alt text available.

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Iron Rich Dishes

My mission to increase my red blood cells continues…

Each day, I eat either a handful of dried red dates (about 4 or 5) or drink a few cups of red dates + black dates tonic.  In addition, I eat an egg  every morning and season the egg with half a teaspoon of organic blackstrap molasses. Then there’s my Sangobion tablets (2x a day), seaweed, red bean soup, double boiled chicken essence and liver soup, iron-rich dishes and my Izumio and Super Lutein.

There is a red meat dish placed on the dining table each day. Here are some of the dishes that the mil wokked up…

Minced beef with Portobello mushrooms and red + yellow bell peppers…

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Organic purple long beans tau kok lup with pork, prawns, carrot, peanut and dried radish (all diced).

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Double boiled pork liver soup with lean pork and ginger…

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I have never liked pork liver (tastes too yucky), still dislike and will never like it but I am under pressure by some relatives to eat pork liver.  So I summoned the courage to get some pork liver earlier this week and got the mil to double boil it.  I played cheat and gave some of the soup to Alycia and Drama Queen 😜

Turmeric chicken, pig bone marrow soup with lotus root, sauteed sweet potato leaves with fu yi and chilli, sauteed pucuk paku and vegetable omelette. Green vegetables and bone marrow are a rich source of iron too.

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Turmeric chicken cooked with turmeric from my parents’ garden in Ipoh and lovingly pounded by my papa for us. He had spent hours on end peeling and pounding the turmeric for us.  With the instant ground turmeric on hand, cooking turmeric chicken isn’t that kitchen-messy and time consuming anymore. Thank you papa for the aromatic turmeric 💓💓 I look forward to replenishing our stock soon 😉

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Sauteed organic pucuk paku.

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A big thank you to my mil too for lovingly and patiently prepping all these dishes, red dates tonic and double boiled soups for me 💓💓  My stamina is slowly but surely making a comeback.  I can now jog in the morning without feeling breathless 💪💪 and I can say good riddance to the heart flutters too, thank God!


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