Jinx Tuesday

Four years ago, I fell flat on the hard tarred road while running outside, resulting in a very nasty injury to both my palms with open wounds so bad that I could see raw flesh that stung to the core of my bones each time I wet my hands.  The wounds only healed after about 3-4 weeks. Healing was very slow as I had to wet my hands all the time — washing butt, cleaning and cooking.  Ask a SAHM or WFHM what could be one of the worst things to happen to her and she’ll tell you injury to her hands coz even if she has injured her hands, by hell or high water, she still has to find a way to get the house chores done and have 3 meals placed on the dining table.  Thus, I am always very careful not to injure my hands. If I can’t use my hands, everything will come to a standstill at home.

This morning the same jinx happened to me.  I was brisk walking downhill and accidentally tripped and fell flat, landing on my chin and both my palms *OUCH* 😖😭

During the landing of the fall, my left fingers, in particular the second and third fingers were badly bent over. For a moment, I thought I had fractured my fingers as the pain was really bad.  The skin on some parts of my palms and fingers was also partially grazed off. But the injury this time ain’t as serious as the one that happened four years ago.  Driving is difficult as my left fingers hurt at every movement. I can barely bend or straighten my fingers now.  Even simple tasks like pressing the flush button on the water cistern and opening the door are quite impossible for my left hand now 😓

Good thing is though my chin landed on the hard textured bricks, there was only a superficial bruise.

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