My 2 kitchen side-kicks helping me to peel and chop garlic and onions. I am SO thankful for them coz I HATE this chore!
They bicker and fight a lot but when they yak and laugh non-stop with each other, it really warms my heart
From a mere kitchen helper just earlier this year, Drama Queen has been promoted to Commis Chef! I can now delegate such easy task as sauteeing veggies, cooking omelettes, sauteeing meat and simple pan-frying of dishes to her.
She’s great at whipping up delightful salads too…
When the 3 of them are in the kitchen, we always have loads of laughter, albeit commotion do erupt when things go wrong like someone accidentally cuts her finger, breaks a bowl or burns a dish! It is NOT uncommon that a dish is burnt when I leave it entirely to her to cook. It’s A-OK. Failures are fertilizer to success.
In action – Drama Queen cooking tomato omelette, ala Taiwanese.
The tomato omelette that Drama Queen whipped up, all by herself and it’s really delish.
One of our simple dinners at home – blanched veggie, tomyam white pomfret fish and Taiwanese style tomato omelette.
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