I woke up feeling zombified today. I’ve not had a single day of sleeping in the whole of last week. Monday through Sunday started at 4:45 am for me, with each day ending around 11-ish pm. When I don’t get a day or two of catching up on my beauty sleep for that week, the following week spells trouble for me. But I still went for my pre-dawn brisk walk today, interspersed with running up ramps. I swam 26 laps in the pool yesterday morning and ended my day with 30 bicycle crunches (image below) on the bed last night
After 40 minutes of outdoor workout this morning, I downed a packet of hydrogen-infused water, which gave me an instant power boost. Since I felt rejuvenated, I did some back stretching and Swiss ball crunches (image below) on my fit ball. Suddenly, I didn’t feel sleepy anymore!
When our muscles are fatigued, lactic acid is released and our body produces hydrogen to compensate. When we pump in more hydrogen into our body, the hydrogen which is a natural antioxidant neutralizes the over production of lactic acid in the blood stream very quickly. Thus we recover quicker and feel rejuvenated. Try it!!! If you are active in sports, do away with whatever you’re drinking now and try hydrogenated water. You can email me at shireenyong@gmail.com to inquire more.
Breakfast was sugar-free and additives-free plain yoghurt with organic chia seeds, almonds, pumpkin seeds, sugar-free peanut butter and a swirl of palm sugar.
Lunch was pork porridge with shredded carrot strips and sweet potato, seasoned with pepper, sea salt and spring onions.
The big girl just announced that she needn’t have to go to school this Saturday, wooohoooo!!! Finally I get to sleep in this Saturday, can’t wait for that!
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