Yummy dishes whipped up by the mil for dinner yesterday…
On the foreground above: acar fried fish, which is an extremely tasty and tantalizing Nyonya dish. It’s my favorite and a traditional recipe that not many people know of.
Foreground below: stir-fried lean pork slices with preserved vegetables. This is another much celebrated appetite-whetting dish that goes well with rice and porridge.
There were also sweet corn soup with carrots and pork ribs, stir-fried milk white veggie and braised Japanese pumpkin.
In a few days, the mil will be leaving for overseas again for a few months. The thought of slaving for 1-2 hours daily in the hot kitchen for lunch and dinner is pretty upsetting. But I’m sure I’ll get used to it and will love creating new dishes again. Just now Drama Queen asked me if she could help to cook dinner everyday and I said “WHY NOT?” Yeah, why not? I’ll be more than thankful and pleased to have a helper!
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