I once read a book written by a famous multi-millionaire on ways to be rich. One of the ways is by not spending the money. Yup, as easy as that. If you stop spending on something that you do not really need, you are in a way ‘earning’ the money back, thus you get to save it. Simple, right? It’s stress free and all that is required are a little will power and sacrifice. Since then, I have always thought of his tips and apply them whenever I can.
Yesterday I finally squeezed out some time to draft a letter to cancel our Astro subscription. Since last year, I have been prompting the hubs to cancel our Astro subscription but he was reluctant. Ever since he bought a new TV with internet, the kids have ditched Astro and now prefer to watch You Tube on the TV. Hubs hardly watches Astro too as he prefers to watch DVDs. The mil rarely watches the TV as well as she prefers to play Sudoku on her iPad, which stimulates her mind more than the idiot box. Our Astro has turned into a white elephant and the hubs has been forking over the dough month after month! Last month I brought up the issue of cancellation again and this time the hubs agreed! That’s RM115 x 12 months = RM1,380 of savings per annum! Now isn’t that a yearly bonus? Bonus from money saved! Now, let me see which other areas that we can trim on so that we get more ‘bonus’ ** $$$$**
This morning (Saturday), the hubs and his staff lugged back a ‘new’ piano for Cass!! It’s a hand-me-down piano from hubs’ cousin but the piano still looks new. Now that’s more savings for us! Money saved from not needing to buy a new piano for Cass anymore. Blessings from God indeed
This morning too, our new teak wood shelf shipped from Chiangmai finally arrived! The girls now have a new house for their most treasured story books.
My entire morning has been spent cleaning up after switching position of furniture in the living room… and of course my chauffeuring duty.
My beloved part-time helper, Maria has gone back to Indonesia for 2 weeks for Raya. I spent the past 2 evenings training a temporary part-time helper. We all miss Maria and can’t wait for her to come back! She’s going to get married soon and I can’t bear the thought of her never coming back to work for us when she’s pregnant. She’s worked for us for 4 years and has been a true angel sent from heaven.
I’d like to wish all my Muslim readers “Selamat Hari Raya” and to all those traveling on the road this holiday, be really, really careful when you are behind the wheels
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