Recently, I shared my friend’s joy when her latest medical check up showed that her cholesterol and blood sugar levels have gone down after consuming hydrogen water and carotenoids.
Here’s her testimony:
Had my annual medical check up done recently and excited to see improvements in my readings particularly my sugar n cholesterol level which have gone down. Those close to me will know I don’t exercise (at all) and I love my cakes and brownies and chocolates A LOT. I don’t have any pantangs and I eat everything and anything. I just love food!
I did a full medical check up a year ago right before I started on Iz**** and Super L*****. In fact, the reason why I did the medical check up was to see if these products really work. I don’t take any other supplements and I have not taken any before. I’ve always been healthy n don’t really see any need to. But after I hit 35, I figured I should start looking after myself and that was the main reason why I got started taking these products.
Fast forward exactly a year later… And my results are fantastic. Couldn’t be happier. I can continue eating my cakes n brownies n chocs!!!
Within this 1 year.. I’ve actually eaten more chocs and cakes and brownies than ever. But I’ve also taken Iz**** and Super L***** consistently, daily 3 Iz**** per day and 9 caps of Super L*****. When I don’t feel well, I will increase my dosage.
I’m so excited I’m going to order some brownies to celebrate! Thanks Dr XXX for the awesome consultation!
To learn more about the products, do drop me an email at
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