Hydrogen Water and Carotenoids To Reduce Cholesterol and Blood Sugar

Recently, I shared my friend’s joy when her latest medical check up showed that her cholesterol and blood sugar levels have gone down after consuming hydrogen water and carotenoids.

Here’s her testimony:

Had my annual medical check up done recently and excited to see improvements in my readings particularly my sugar n cholesterol level which have gone down. Those close to me will know I don’t exercise (at all) and I love my cakes and brownies and chocolates A LOT. I don’t have any pantangs and I eat everything and anything. I just love food!

I did a full medical check up a year ago right before I started on Iz**** and Super L*****. In fact, the reason why I did the medical check up was to see if these products really work. I don’t take any other supplements and I have not taken any before. I’ve always been healthy n don’t really see any need to. But after I hit 35, I figured I should start looking after myself and that was the main reason why I got started taking these products.

Fast forward exactly a year later… And my results are fantastic. Couldn’t be happier. I can continue eating my cakes n brownies n chocs!!!

Within this 1 year.. I’ve actually eaten more chocs and cakes and brownies than ever. But I’ve also taken Iz**** and Super L***** consistently, daily 3 Iz**** per day and 9 caps of Super L*****. When I don’t feel well, I will increase my dosage.

I’m so excited I’m going to order some brownies to celebrate! Thanks Dr XXX for the awesome consultation!

To learn more about the products, do drop me an email at shireenyong@gmail.com


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Throes Of Motherhood

Sorry for the lack of updates in my blog for the past 2 weeks. These days, I try very hard to force myself to be in bed by 10pm as I have to wake up for my ‘night duty’ at 2am. It’s agonizing ok, to force yourself up from your beauty sleep to do your motherly duty.

Cass is still recuperating from a bout of UTI attack. I do not want her to hold back her urine for 8-9 hours during bed time. At 2am each day, in the still of the night when everyone else in the house is in their deep slumber and oblivious to what’s happening outside their bedrooms, I carry Cass who is still deep in her sleep, from the bed to the bathroom, as if she was a sack of 23kg rice. While she pees, I quickly fix some Izumio with Waterfall D-Mannose in a glass and gives it to her. After she’s done drinking this potion, I wash her bottom and we go back to bed. Thank God, I can still get back to sleep but 2 1/2 hours later, I would have to force myself out from bed again to do my next round of motherly duty at 4:45am. This is torturous and I am so bushed. But I hope that all my pain and effort will pay off well. The best gift for me would be to see Cass recover 100% from UTI with no recurrence and be 100% diaper-free by this year.

During the day, I would either be in school to check on Cass for a couple of hours or stay home to do some work. In between, I need a short power nap to recharge my batteries.

Tonight, I have broken my own rule. It’s already 10:30pm and I am not in bed yet but at the computer. Tomorrow is a Saturday but my motherly duty continues. I have to do this every single day until Cass is weaned off the diaper at night. Life is tough but I am very sure that I will reap the sweet fruits of my labour very soon.

I better end here instead of rattling on and on. G’nite world! 🙂

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Designing The Cover Of The Menu

The menu of your restaurant is one of the first things that customers will see when they arrive. It should be one that is memorable and one that is unique in design for the business. There are a few tips that you can keep in mind for selecting and designing custom menu covers. One idea is to have a few ideas in mind so that you can change the appearance on a frequent basis, perhaps having a different design for each season.

Look at what other restaurants are doing in regards to their menu covers. Don’t use the same ideas because you want your cover to stand out from others. Develop something that gives a little insight as to the type of food that is served or the personality of the business. Don’t add a lot of pictures or words as there should be a balance of the two. Descriptions of dishes should be on the inside with one or two special courses on the cover.

When the general idea is in place, you can start thinking about colors and the kind of font that you want to use. Select a font that matches the atmosphere of the restaurant. Don’t choose a comical design for an elegant restaurant as it might not be taken seriously. If the restaurant is one that offers kid-friendly selections and items that are family-oriented, then consider brighter colors and fonts that are more playful. Make sure the words are easy to see no matter what font you use. Large letters can be overwhelming for some, so you want to design with something that is of an average size. Avoid using the fancy scripts as the letters can blend together.

Add details on the menu cover that focus on the logo of the business. If the restaurant offers Mexican food, then consider adding a sombrero and a few peppers on the front with Spanish words that have the English translation below. The colors should match as well in regards to the type of business. Red and yellow borders are an idea as they are easy to see and can sometimes trigger an emotional connection with eating.


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