Dinner At Home (19 October 2015)

Remember I mentioned in my blog post on Monday that my part-time helper gave me a last minute no turn-up notice?  Well despite her absence, I went ahead to dish up a simple yet wholesome and delish dinner.  I have told her (and other part-time helpers) umpteen times to inform me before 12 noon should she not come, but these people just never get it. It’s easier to complete all the house chores if I start early in the morning and spread the chores out, where I can work leisurely.  When I get eleventh hour no turn-up notice , I have to cramp all the chores plus cooking and cleaning up after cooking and dinner within a 2-3 hour window period, which causes me undue stress.

Anyways, this is one department that I have to improve on – to learn to be easy-going and relaxed even without the help of reliable part-time helpers.  It takes time. I had over 10 years of live-in helpers to pamper me. I guess it will take 10 years for me to get used to living without them?  It’s been 4 years since our last helper left.  So I have another 6 years to go! 🙁

We had ABC soup (with lots of chopped carrots, celery, big onions, plump tomatoes, chicken bones, pepper and chicken drumsticks), broccoli and sauteed fresh button mushrooms with minced meat and tau cheong (fermented soy bean paste).


Cass cut up all her broccoli and dishes and mixed them with rice and soup and commented that her ‘baby porridge’ was very, very yummy!  Broccoli and spinach are the only 2 green veggies that Cass really likes and she can even chomp down a whole plate of these greens herself.  Thus, you’ll see that we have broccoli almost every day 😀


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