Stressful Monday – 7 October 2015

The past 1 week has been super duper dreadfully stressful for me. Have I told you that Miss Drama Queen has stopped attending the daily after-school tuition center effective October 2015? I don’t see any improvement in her grades for the past 1 year and she did not fulfill her daddy’s ultimatum to show us just a little improvement.

Miss Drama Queen begged us to allow her to continue going to the tuition center but we have to mean what we say and walk the talk. So yeah, cruel as we may be, I had to break the news to the principal of the tuition center. I think she will fare better under the tutelage of our current private tutor who has been teaching Alycia and Cass for the past 4.5 years.   Nonetheless, she will still attend tuition at the center once a week on Saturdays. I know she just can’t let go of the friendship she has made with all her bffs at the tuition center for the past 2 years.

Bad news for me is that I holler more at home.  This drama queen has a ‘tidak apa’ (couldn’t care less) attitude and is such a dawdler! In every single task that she hates but has to do.

Good news is that she can help me out in the kitchen everyday as she loves cooking 😀

With 2 rascals to monitor in their revision for exam since last week, I think at least 5 years of my life have been snatched away.  I kid you not. My heart palpitations have increased in frequency with 9 hours of screaming at home. Every. Single. Freaking. Day!

Yesterday was really stressful for me. My part-time helper called in last minute to inform me that she’s taking a day off.  At the eleventh hour that is.  WTF!! I felt so stressed out with the girls and with house chores that I just did not feel like cooking or doing anything.  I tai-chied floor mopping and clothes ironing to Alycia since her exam is only starting next week and she can still help out in the house.  Then we went out to a nearby mall for dinner. But big mistake. After dinner, there was a horrendous traffic jam outside the mall. By the time we reached home, it was close to 10pm. After shower and all, I only had 15 minutes to sit down with Cass to go through the topics that she is weak in her Math.  Since Math is in Chinese, I had to rope in Alycia to help out.

Hopefully the drama queen and Cass will fare well in their Math papers today.  My mum has always been advising me to chill out and close one eye to the girls’ grades in school. She knows I am one who gets stressed out easily.  I wish I can take heed of her advice and close both eyes and just let them be. Whether the grade is  A, B, C or F – just chill out and close both eyes to the grades.

But can I?

Can you?



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Breast Cancer – How Hydrogen Water and Carotenoids Can Help

Recently, a customer of one of our team members was cleared of breast cancer after consuming hydrogenated water and carotenoids.

Patient was at Stage 4 and had surgery but after surgery, she still had remaining cancer in her Axillary Lymph Node. However after consuming hydrogenated water and carotenoids, her most recent PET scan showed an inactive status. Patient was overjoyed and has just ordered more hydrogenated water and carotenoids supplement.  We are all so happy that  the products have helped another cancer patient!

You can email to find out more about the products.



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