Complying with Court Orders and Improving Your Family Life

Many families experience difficulties that cause couples to break up and feel differently about each other. Financial problems, stress with raising children, family interference, and dozens of other factors can turn people who are normally mild mannered into potential abusers. When you have been ordered by the court to complete remedies like online domestic violence classes, you may wonder what benefits these classes can offer to you and your family. As you can find out online, the courses could teach you how to deal with the various stresses and also point out mechanisms that have helped people like you in the past.

The first thing you may wish to do when you log onto the website is read the frequently asked questions list. You probably will have a lot of questions about the classes and how they are carried out from start to finish. You may even feel uncertain about going through the courses at all. When you read the FAQ section, you can answer some of your own queries. You also can discover information that you were not aware of when you were told by the court to complete these courses. By the time you read all of the FAQs, you may feel more confident about the process itself.

Along with being able to answer your own questions, it can be important for you to know how to contact someone from the company that offers the courses. The site provides a short form that you can fill out and submit to the company. The form is located at the top of the website. You can also use the phone number listed at the top of the page to reach someone linked to the courses.

As you begin taking the courses, you may wonder what kinds of topics you will cover. You will learn how to identify what makes you angry and understand why you react in the manner that you do, among other topics. When you finish the courses, you will also receive a letter of completion that you can take to your lawyer or to the court. If you are worried about how you will pay for the courses, the company offers people the chance to pay by the fifth week. This gives you plenty of time to come up with the money you need to pay for the classes.



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Encouraging Quotes

My friend cum sifu / team leader posted this in our team’s Facebook page this morning, to encourage us to never give up and the messages are staring at me, telling me not to give up… in whatever struggles that I am mired in now. And I’d like to share this with you too.

Everyone has their own struggles but if you have a steely will power and persistence that never breaks, you will succeed too, just like these famous people!

Happy Wednesday world!


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Project Sunday – 2 August 2015

Lately, the girl’s school teachers have been giving out quite a number of mini projects to the class (Primary 6).  The kids in  her class use each project as a good opportunity to have mini gatherings.  The project yesterday was held at our place again — the second in 2 weeks! They enjoyed themselves at our place so much the first time round about 2 weeks ago that they have chosen our place again for their second project.

The kids spent most of their time goofing around more than they spent on the project. This time, I did not help them as they told me that they could manage it themselves.

After the project, I brought the kids down to play badminton and ping pong. I told them that there will be strictly NO swimming as I cannot possibly oversee 6 kids alone.


But some of the kids were really cheeky. They begged me to let them dip their legs in the baby pool. I should not have acceded to their requests coz the moment they were inside the baby pool, they turned wild and pushed each other into the water and before I knew it, everyone was drenched!  OMG, these are no ordinary demure sweet young girls. They look demure but are the exact opposite!

And they sure have topnotch power of persuasion! After they got wet in the baby pool, they pleaded with me...”aunty, since we are already wet, can we swim for just a SHORT while in the big pool? Pleassssee aunty!!”

Not wanting to dampen their spirits, I told them that only two kids are allowed to swim at a time and I limited them to swim only 2 laps. So they had to take turns to swim by twos.  After swimming, they asked me to help them snap a group picture…

I ordered pizza and chicken wings for dinner by the pool…

The girls will be sitting for their final trial UPSR exam in 2 weeks.  In exactly a month’s time, they will be sitting for their UPSR exam, yet they are having the time of their lives. I told them that this will be their last gathering before their exam and that they could have another party / gathering at our place after the exam. The bunch of kids enjoyed themselves very much. They left at 8:30pm. Cass told me yesterday that it was one of her best days this year as she had so much fun playing with her che che’s friends.



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