Yesterday I finally moved my arse and dragged myself to the hospital to do my slightly overdue pap smear and ultrasound scan of my breasts and reproductive organs. In addition, for the first time in my life, I asked for a full medical test, consisting of a Mammogram, chest x-ray, blood tests, cancer marker test, urine test and ECG. That made me RM700+ poorer
In the past, I have heard and read of mixed responses from people as regards pain on the breasts when doing Mammogram. Yesterday, I got to experience it myself and it certainly was not a pleasant experience! Well, going through medical tests are hardly ever pleasant. But they can be life-saving and you just have to go through the motions whether you like it or not.
To begin with, I have very low pain threshold (yet I survived 3 C-section births!). And secondly, I am pretty flat chested and do not have the extra baggage on my boops to cushion off the pain. But I have to say that I felt like I was in a freezing cold torture chamber where my boops were fondled and manhandled by a total stranger. It would probably be easier for me and the radiologist had I been blessed with bigger assets, thus easier for her to place them on the Mammogram machine. With smaller assets, you just have to adjust your position (tip toe) and let your assets be manhandled shamelessly so that they are propped nicely on the machine for the radiologist to ‘lock’ them between the upper and lower gadgets — one boop at a time. Each side = 2 positions.
You see the black zerox like machine below? I had to place my boops there with the white machine above almost squishing them. Thank God the radiologist was a female!
And yes, I did yelp out in pain when my boops were sandwiched tightly by the zerox thingy — 4 times (2 positions on each boop). I felt really screwed up!
Results of all my tests will be out next week and I will have another appointment to see my doctor next week. Wish me all the best in the results!
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I did my last mammogram 3-4 years ago.
Wish you have a good result for both of the tests.
Thank you Agnes