I think 5th May will always be an inauspicious day for me. In fact, the month of May has never been kind to me. Last year at around this time, I went through a harrowing experience when the dentist extracted my tooth (positioned abnormally in my gums). That was the most frightening experience for me as it was a very difficult extraction due to the positioning of the tooth. Several numbing jabs were shot all over my gums. Two nurses had to hold back my head and shoulders whilst the dentist tried with all his might to yank off that tooth! I suffered for 2 months after that extraction.
Today – 5 May 2015, everything seems to have gone wrong and dreadful! This blog that you are reading now, sigh… I am not sure how long more it can be alive before it dies again. My existing website host has quoted me a price of over RM8k to have the plan upgraded to one with a bigger memory and CPU. Yes you read it right. It is eight thousand bucks and subsequently, over RM2k per year to maintain the blog. That’s daylight robbery!! I am in the midst of finding another host to have a transfer. Wish me luck in finding a good website host and for a smooth transition.
You would have also noticed that the header picture of this blog (with my 3 daughters) is no longer there. I have removed it to squeeze out some space so that this blog can continue to exist. Without memory, this blog is dead and will not be accessible anymore by anyone, unless I fork out RM8k to prolonged its life. I have also removed over 400 posts from this blog and my Health Is Wealth blog to get back some space
Next, I found out that my Pos Laju account has been blocked and I was unable to call the postman to pick up my customers’ parcels today, shit! Moments later, I realized that the Excel spreadsheet that holds data of all the online advertorials that I have been writing has been inadvertently overwritten by another document! And my back-up file has only been updated until early December 2014 (I should bang my head on the wall for not diligently doing a back-up!!). I have lost all my data from mid December 2014 through now, bummer! And that’s not the end yet. An hour later, when I tried to retrieve a very important Excel document on my online store customers’ orders, the Excel file vanished! Just like that! I searched for it at every nook and corner in my computer and finally found it in the Recycle Bin!! You see the creepiness? How do you explain this phenomenon? All the bad things accumulated and poured out on 5 May 2015!!
Exactly 6 years ago today on 5 May 2009, Cass was operated on for a Uretheral Reimplantation surgery at GMC Penang. Unfortunately two weeks later, she was operated on again as there was a complication. Even a CT scan, Fluoroscopy scan and multiple X-rays carried out for 3 consecutive days were unable to detect what was wrong internally. See, I told you I don’t trust machines! And my poor baby had been exposed to radiation unnecessarily. And now you see why I had to grit my teeth and spent over RM5k on Izumio hydrogen water for Cass? She seriously needs a full detox from her body, to get rid of all the radiation and heavy metals from her daily intake of medication (antibiotics) when she was a baby.
Long story cut short, when her surgeon told me that he did not want to wait any further for fear that Cass’ abdomen would just rupture (it ballooned up!), he did an emergency surgery on Cass and found a small kink at the end of her guts. That kink was fixed and so was her appendix – it was removed as a precautionary measure.
This is Cass after her 2nd operation in May 2009…
After being cooped up in the hospital for 3 weeks, I could finally see Baby C smile!! And the surgeon gave us the green light to be discharged on my 9th wedding anniversary! That was the happiest day for me in 2009.
I remember praying fervently and hoping for Cass to fart and poop for the 3 weeks I spent in the hospital. If she could do that after the 2nd surgery, that would mean that she was well enough to be discharged. So folks, do not ever take for granted the simple acts of being able to fart and poop.
Cass on her 7th birthday last month…
Dear Lord, please let the May Jinx come to an end right now. And may you bless Cass with good health always and help me to salvage my blogs without having to fork out RM8k! Amen.
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