Today I discovered something very, very useful for banana mummies like me who always try in vain to guide their kids in Chinese. For someone with very, very limited knowledge of the Chinese language, I get really, really frustrated when my girls run to me and cry for help on days when the Mandarin tutor does not come.
Thanks to my good friend, Mumsgather who is ever so willing to share what she knows with us in her Facebook page, she shared this Google Translate app with us today.
I immediately downloaded this app (on my desktop computer) onto my Samsung mobile phone and within a minute, the app was successfully downloaded.
I quickly snapped a photo of one of Cass’ Chinese story books using the Google Translate app by following the very detailed step-by-step tutorial in the app itself and voila, within a minute, the page was translated from Chinese to English with Pinyin too. Wait, there is even icing on the cake! You can even tap on the audio to hear the translation in Chinese!! This is too good to be true and it’s so easy and convenient to translate any reading material in any language to a language that you want! This is even better than Line Dictionary and Pleco. I can’t wait for my girls to come home today, so that I can teach them how to use this wonderful app!
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