Scene at home on the eve of Alycia and Sherilyn’s mid year exam, on a Sunday….
Me revising with Alycia and Sherilyn on Kata Kerja, Sinomim, Antonim, Simpulan Bahasa, Penjodoh Bilangan, Kata Ganda and a whole load of Tatabahasa on Slideshare from the computer.
Alycia is in Primary 5 and Sherilyn in Primary 3 this year.
Last year and this year, I am killing 2 birds with one stone. Next year, I will be targeting 3 birdies with one stone! Cass will be in Primary 1 next year. And my BM and English lessons will be jointly, with 3 girls simultaneously. After all, BM Tatabahasa and English Grammar are all almost the same for Primary 1 through 6. Even now, Cass is participating in my English and Math quiz with her 2 che ches.
Pardon the total mess on the dining table. I guess the mess will be around for the next one week until the girls’ exam is over. We had a very simple lunch just now and tonight, I told MIL not to cook. We are eating at the Japanese restaurant downstairs. I ain’t going to do much house chores today.
I better log off now and wake Alycia and Sherilyn up from their seista for our next round of Tatabahasa revision *wipes sweat from forehead and sips some herbal tea for my throat*!! And breath in….. breathe out…. and must try hard not to spank someone!!
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The girls are so fortunate to have you. You are a fantastic mother. All the best, girls! You can do it by God’s grace and strength.
Thank you Joanne!