For the past 4 days, my back-up part-time maid (Maid H) has been unable to attend work. Last night, she sent me a text message subtly telling me that she would like to stop work. I was really disappointed after reading the message as this meant that I will have no part-time maids coming to help me anymore. My main part-time maid (Maid M) is taking a short break as the lump in her neck has been giving her pain. The surgery to remove the lump on her neck is scheduled for this month end. Today, the MIL left for Hawaii and will be away for over a month. Which means, I will have no help at all with the house chores and in the kitchen, especially on school-going days when the girls will have very little time to help out.
Ever since Dyah, our live-in maid of 4.5 years left us a year and a half ago, I had gone through many periods of despair when I could not find a suitable part-time maid. After trying out the services of hourly paid maids, which I vowed never to engage again, I went through the pains of finding a part-time maid on my own. I recruited maids from coffee shops, road side stalls and just about everywhere. I was blessed with 3 part-time maids whom I felt very comfortable with. But one of them stopped working as her husband did not like my working hours, which I only want the maids to come after 5pm.
Maid M is by far the best maid ever, with a wonderful personality, very amiable and produces impeccable quality of work. She is the one with the lump in her neck and needs to go for a surgery and is now on a break. Maid H – she claimed yesterday that her husband has Dengue fever, thus would like to stop work temporarily. I’ll give her a benefit of doubt, though I know that there is only a 50% chance that she will return to work.
After sleeping on this problem (that seems to be a problem that keeps cropping up several times in a year when the maids take prolonged leave or decide to stop working), I decided this morning that perhaps a hiatus in my online store business would be the best solution. I prayed to God for a solution. This morning at about 10am, Maid M sent me a text message. She sent her regards to us and asked me if she could come back to work after her surgery next month. I jumped at the opportunity to ask her to come back to work immediately and she agreed! Thank you God for sending Maid M to ease me out at a time when I really needed help. I am so glad that she has decided to come back to work while waiting for her surgery date. I am now contemplating to sponsor a part of her surgery. Maid M is God sent and I wish that she is able to work for us for as long as I need a maid.
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I so wish I have a maid!!!