The jinx seems to be flying around me since last week.
First, my car was hit. Two days later, the AVR switch for my computer got burnt. Today, my washing machine konked out on me! Why oh why must it be my washing machine? Next to the computer, I can’t live without my washing machine. I am a clean freak with OCD remember? Having clean clothes, clean towels and clean sheets makes me happy. So when the washing machine just wouldn’t start since this morning, I was restless and very very unhappy!
Thankfully for this group in Facebook, one of my friends responded to my SOS cries within minutes of me posting up the SOS message.
I quickly called up the washing machine technician and was laughing in my heart when he told me over the phone that he could come to my rescue in the afternoon, YES!!
A few hours later, the technician and his team arrived. They operated on my washing machine. I was praying that they could save it on the spot without transporting it to the ‘hospital’. My prayers were answered. The team saved my washing machine after an hour of operation. The entire kitchen floor was flooded with black gunk and green sludge, eeeewwww. But never mind, I wore thick rubber gloves and used several pieces of cloth to wipe away the muck after the operation was completed.
Never mind that RM420 flew out from my pocket. Never mind the kitchen floor looked like it was just hit by tsunami. I am so happy that they managed to save my Electrolux washing machine.
The technician replaced a set of carbon catridge which cost RM180, replaced the door delay thingy which cost RM150 and service charge was RM90.
After my washing machine was fixed, I quickly tried using it. Putting in my load of dirty laundry into the washing machine and removing the fresh smelling laundry from the machine after a spin has never felt so satisfactory! LOL!
My pail of half soaked laundry, forcibly taken out from the washing machine this morning when it konked out on me.
The moment the door was opened, soap water started to spill out everywhere onto the floor, gawd! Hated today but it ended well! Thank you God!
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so troublesome living without washing machine. luckily yours was repaired in no time.