Cass’ Reading Progress

Today while I was helping Cass to shower, she suddenly remembered something that transpired in kindy in the morning during English lesson.

Cass – mummy, do you know teacher A gave me a STAR and a “VERY GOOD” in my reading today!?

Me – really? *with face all perked up though I was almost going to doze off in the bathroom* LOL!

Cass – I can read the whole of Chapter 1.  Are you glad? *and gives me a cheeky and smug smile*

Me – yes of course! I am very glad! *I could not help but grin proudly*

Cass – last year I could not read, now I can read all the words.  Are you glad to hear this?

Me – yes of course. You see, practice makes perfect, so you have to read more ok?

Cass – Adam could not read, but I can read  the whole of Chapter 1 and 2.  Ethan can read very well too.

Me – you can beat Ethan  you know?  You just have to practise reading more. (Ethan is the top student in Cass’ class)

Cass – yes I know.

And then she went on and on telling me how well she could read these days.  And that was my moment of glory hehe…


Cass reads1




Cass reads2


Cassandra at 5 years 9 months


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Siew Siew Restaurant @ Sg Besi KL

Yesterday being a public holiday, the hubs told us that he wanted to try something new. So he brought us to Siew Siew Restaurant @ Sg Besi.  I was told that this restaurant has been around for quite some time already but I never realized that there is such a nice restaurant located just next to TUDM.  Upon entering the restaurant, we were all taken by surprise by how spacious the restaurant is with Balinese style gazebos outside the restaurant. The girls were so excited to see a really huge fish pond with huge and well-fed carps swimming everywhere in the pond.  We chose one of the private gazebos instead of sitting inside the restaurant, to enjoy the outdoor scenic view.

The girls ran everywhere round the zic-zac shape wooden bridge to look at the carps before the food arrived.

Siew Siew 1


We wanted to order the signature melt-in-the-mouth char siew dish but was told that it was only available at night *bummer*!  So we ordered the siew yoke instead, which was deep fried and tossed with lots of big onions.

Siew Siew 2


Inside the restaurant were some huge fish tanks with huge fish swimming around, with a waterfall at the backdrop.

Siew Siew 3


The stir-fried vermicelli with crabs was crabby flavorful. iLike it!


Siew Siew 4


Harm tarn hai (salted duck’s eggs crabs), steamed kampung chicken with kailan and a plate of stir-fried fish slice…


Siew Siew 5


Siew Siew 6


Overall, the food was OK.  I said OK as we bench-marked the crab dish against Unique Seafood Restaurant’s crab dishes, which we very much preferred. Also, the coconut juice was not fresh and cost us RM5 each!  I think we would still visit Siew Siew again, to try out other dishes, as the price of the food there is still cheaper than Unique Seafood Restaurant 🙂




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