I have always disliked Mondays. As much as I want to avoid the Monday Blues, it’s hard. Yesterday was yet another maniac Monday for me. I made 5 trips to send and pick up the girls from morning through evening. In between trips, I did grocery shopping, ran some errands and quickly whipped up dinner. While Alycia and Cass ate dinner at home, I zoomed off to pick Sherilyn up and zoomed back home so that Miss Dilly Dally could finish her dinner on time for the part-time maid to wash up before she leaves. I left Cass at home with Alycia when I went out to pick up Sherilyn in the evening and asked my most reliable daughter to watch over her sister. Lately, I have been doing this and I normally put on a VCD for the rascal to watch before I zoom off to drop off Sherilyn at the tuition centre and ballet centre.
Yesterday I made Chicken Chop Fried Rice for dinner.
I used 2 pieces of deboned chicken thigh for this dish. I cut the chicken thighs into bite-size and marinated them. I then pan-fried it with big onions and garlic like how I would for a chicken chop dish. Then I added sweet corn kernels, red bell pepper, spam meat and cooked rice and pan fried everything.
For my most persnickety and critical daughter to say that this dish is delish with her having a third helping to the rice, this dish must be really good 😀
Despite having all 3 rascals praising this dish lavishly, I think I am going to avoid cooking dishes that require a great deal of preparation on Mondays. The hubs said that I should have just packed some dinner home but the thought of eating those oil and salt laden food outside make me feel sick already. Starting from next Monday, I am only going to cook steamed dishes or in worst case scenario, take-away food to avoid having a stressed out Monday. I was flaked out in front of the PC at 10pm but could only call it a day at close to midnight last night. And I was up at 4:45am today! Ain’t life too good for me? Too good that I never have to suffer from insomnia and boredom, haha!
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I think it is crazy u cook everything fresh for every meal. I survived by making double portions to be reheated the next day. I also freeze pasta sauces and meat stews/ curry etc as they do taste better the second time round.
Chris, oh yes my dinner meals are normally cooked extra so that the girls can hv them for lunch the next day 🙂
phew … such a busy Monday ..