Ridiculously Expensive Hawker’s Food

This morning after sending Cass to school, I had breakfast with the hubs at a nearby food court.  I have not gone to this food court for many years, albeit we do drive past it everyday.   After walking around the food court for 15 minutes, having a very hard time to decide what to eat, I finally ordered a bowl of pork vermicelli with so-called herbal soup and hubs ordered char koay teow.  The char koay teow stall was manned 100% by an Indon helper. She even fried the char koay teow.

When the bowl of pork noodles came, my jaw almost dropped when the Indon helper told me that it cost RM7 a bowl! For such  run-of-the-mill pork noodles with only an egg added, it cost a freaking RM7!!  Oh yes, I chose herbal soup and the soup was super salty and oily and tasted nothing near to herbal soup.   When the char koay teow arrived, we had another shock when we were told to pay RM6 for a regular  plate of char koay teow. Hubs requested for extra bean sprouts but we did not see any extra bean sprouts on the plate of noodles.  Next unbelievable moment was the glass of barley which cost RM1.40 and it was super sweet.

Does this bowl of noodles look like it cost RM7? Yes if I ate it in an air-conditioned restaurant or shopping mall.

RM6 for a regular size plate of char koay teow at a non air-conditioned  food court – would I be going there again?  I’d rather pay a few more Ringgit more to enjoy my favorite  char koay teow from The Little Penang Cafe @ Mid Valley Megamall!

I think that is the last time the hubs and I step foot into this food court.

No. of times viewed = 595


  1. Honestly, these are the price that we get to pay in KK nowadays, it is not cheap eating out. I ever ete a bowl of fish noodle soup cost me RM10.00 a bowl just because it said the noodles are made with fish flesh, know what, I never set foot in that shop again.

  2. Biasa lah. the foodcourt I frequent, the pork noodles is RM6 and their CKT is RM5. Barley is RM1.60 while their Fresh Coconut is RM5.40!

    It’s expensive to eat out these days.. haiz.

  3. Just recently, prices in normal coffee shops increased again. It is normal to pay RM6 to 7 for a normal bowl of noodles.

  4. The pics got me drooling…. the lardons are calling me from that herbal soup noodles, which I imagine have undone any goodness from the herballiciousness!
    When I was in KL and at the Section 17 market the CKT was fried amazingly by an Indon girl (she soon recognized me as I was there daily!), and cost was abt RM6. This also entails sitting by the longkang(drain) which I thought added to the local flavour!
    I look at eating out as a treat and to be enjoyed, so even paying a bit more and spending one-on-one time with hubby can be justified!

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