Science Subject For 5 Year Old Pre-schoolers

Cass came home from kindy last week telling me that her teacher had instructed the kids from her 5YO class to practise playing around with Microsoft Paint on the computer!  This is what pre-schoolers are taught in this high technology day and age.  Now, what did we learn in kindy as 5 year olds back then? I only remember  vaguely that I played with play dough (and fought with one Tracy who was a Caucasian girl with a play knife over some play doughs LOL!), sang nursery rhymes and bible songs and recited A to Z and 1 to 100, that’s it LOL!

So after lunch, this rascal took out the laptop from the laptop bag and hooked up everything herself and with very little guidance from me, she was having fun drawing and coloring shapes in Microsoft Paint.

Check out the contents of her kindy’s Science text book…

I doubt she knew how to read all the words and understood the meaning of everything but she definitely is very adept with using the laptop and iPad since she was a little over 3 years old 🙂

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  1. S, if your kids are on tv/gadgets/phone quite a bit, good to get a specs with anti-glare lens. no power required. got one for P recently since its alarming that he spends so much time on gadgets. was recommended by opto. only wear the specs when using the stuff.

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