I have always wished that one of these days, in the not too distant future, a big opportunity will come knocking on our door which will enable us all to relocate back to our hometown up North. We could save so much more money living in that quiet and peaceful city where the hubs and I were born and bred. It is funny how I had wanted so badly to leave my hometown 23 years ago to come to this big and vibrant city and now, I am dreaming to return to my hometown for a more slowpaced life. Guess life is catching up on me! Living in this town would also be more conducive for our kids’ education and welfare.
Living in a big city where the cost of living is very expensive and economy that is getting tougher, it is really a challenge to put aside an ideal sum of money for savings every month. Ever since I threw in the towel and bade farewell to the corporate world, I have and am still learning to live frugally. I have cut down on many items which I deem is not a necessity but a luxury. Some of the items include canceling a few of our magazine subscriptions, canceling some channels on our pay-TV subscription, shopping at the mall only if we have something to buy, learning to live without a live-in maid, among others. I do miss those hey days where I had so much surplus of money even after splurging on luxury items. I miss having a stack of new magazines to read at the beginning of each month and I miss having those buffet lunches and dinners with friends.
Recently, I stumbled upon some Magazine Subscription Deals from Subscription Addiction where there are great deals on a wide range of magazines. My favorite magazine, O The Oprah Magazine is now having an irresistible promotion price of only $28 for 12 issues, which is a huge savings of 40%! For magazine junkies, you really have to hop over to www.SubscriptionAddiction.com to check out the great deals. They are now offering a 15% coupon with a coupon code “mom15per”. Do check them out today before the deal ends!
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I feel the exact same way as you. I sacrificed my 5 figures salary a few years ago and I have to constantly remind myself to be careful in my spending. My inlaws are from Ipoh and I wish I am able to shift when hubby’s retirement age is near. Standard of living here is just so high.