13th Wedding Anniversary

27 May 2013 marked the 13th anniversary of our wedding.   And the best gift is being able to celebrate it with the hubs and our 3 angels.  We had an enjoyable time at the Westin Hotel over the weekend and had the usual cake cutting cum photo session at home to mark our 13th year together as husband and wife   ♥ 

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  1. Congratulations on your 13th anniversary. We share the same wedding date, the difference I got married 5 years earlier.

  2. Chris, congrats to you & yours too!

    Nat, thanks and congrats to you & yours too!

    Charmaine, really? What a coincidence. Here’s wishing a very happy 18th anniversary to you & yours too!!

  3. You shouldn’t have cover it up. Let it show! Happy anniversary to you and hope there are many more years to come!

  4. Happy Anniversary!

    Such a wonderful tradition – I am sure your kids love seeing how loving Daddy and Mummy are after all these years. I showed it to my hubs with a long lecture 😉

    Next year, you post again and mark the spot 18SX ok? LOL

  5. HAPPY BELATED ANNIV and many many more to come! Our will be our 20th and our ritual is to take studio family pic and I put them in my Anniv Album to see how we are aging tru the years.

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