Today is Cass’ kindy’s parents-teachers day where the parents will meet the teachers and collect the child’s report card. I wonder how she has fared in her first ever classroom style exam. For BM, she has just started to master suku kata and has just started to get the hang of stringing the suku katas to form a word. For English, her word recognition is still at beginner’s level. Her Math is pretty good but she may have had problems reading the questions during the test. I have been wondering how she coped reading the test papers. Well, even if she gets red eggs for some papers, I ain’t going to scold her. I will continue to read to her as often as I can find the time to. In the meantime, we are going to enjoy our 2 weeks school holidays before the grind begins and school exams put the pressure on us again.
Tomorrow will be the kids’ teacher’s day celebration and class party. And today, I will be a nice mummy as I will be buying JUNK FOOD for their class party tomorrow kekekeke
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