It’s been almost 2 years and Alycia is still not through with her craze over the mouse series, Geronimo Stilton. She also favors Wimpy Kid, Enid Blyton, Famous Five, Ronald Dahl, Helen Moss, James Lee and any type of manga and comics. Well, basically this girl just loves to read books and magazines except her school books alright. She even hijacks my Reader’s Digest. And Geronimo Stilton and Thea Stilton are still her first love. I have been telling Alycia that she has to get over Geronimo Stilton and move on to other authors. She has over 50 titles and still wants to collect more!
Just about a week ago, I was pretty stressed up preparing Alycia, Sherilyn and Cass for their Mid Year exam, which started on Monday and ended today (YAY!!!!!!!). And Alycia was pretty stressed up too, with her throwing tantrums and getting emotional each time I gave her my stack of Math questions, which I set myself and I copied some questions from her school exercise books and work books. I did not want to pressure her too much, lest she goes cuckoo o_O! During one of those early morning exercise sessions, a light bulb moment popped up! I told Alycia that I would bribe reward her with a Geronimo Stilton book for every 90% and above she could score for her test papers. She was totally cranked up when she heard that and I could feel she was already very motivated to study hard *evil smile from Tiger Mum*!
As of today, Alycia has already earned 2 Geronimo Stilton books — 1 for 96% for her Math and 1 for 95% for Chinese paper. I hope she gets to claim more rewards from us next week, even though this would mean a dent in our wallets.
I know some of you may not agree with such incentive to motivate your child to study hard and to score well. For me, if the reward ain’t very expensive and if it works in motivating my girls, I’m fine with it I believe in spicing up your child’s stressful school life with some ‘sweets’. Even we adults are motivated to work harder when our bosses promises us with good performance bonus and merit increments, right? Just to side track a little, yous truly was a recipient of Merit Award and Merit Increment every year when I was working in a bank
So I strongly believe in some ‘sweets’ for motivation.
Do you have any incentive scheme for your child to study hard and to score well?
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